Chapter Eighteen - The realest thing she had ever felt

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"Is there a place to view the shore?" she asked him hopefully as he snapped his attention from out of his book to give to her.

"There's a cliff nearby" he answered, shutting his book, "but it's rather windy and dull outside," he clarified, pouting slightly as he tapped on the hard cover of the book.

She thought about it for a second before giving into the idea, swiftly taking his book from under his hands and approaching the self he had gotten it from. "Take me there," she enthusiastically said, taking on a more suggestive tone.

"But it'll be dark soon," he informed her, getting up from his chair and snatching the book back from her before she could put it back onto the shelf.

"All the more reason to go," she told him, taking the book back once again and slipping into the shelf.

He stared at her emotionlessly for a second, knowing that he couldn't change her mind once it had been made. "Fine," he gave in, walking off with her following him out of the building and on their way to the supposed cliff.

The sky had turned a tinted blue as the clouds grew a grey-ish colour; it didn't look like it would rain, but the wind was slightly there; nor was it cold, just a little breeze.

It almost felt like she should've been holding his hand; like her hand felt unusually empty. These feelings that were arising to her felt so new to her, yet they weren't new at all.

She knew deep down that those feelings had always been there, that the only difference this time was that she was now engaging with them. She was giving herself a reason to amplify them, but that didn't let her stubbornness dismiss the fact that it was nothing - she wouldn't ever let herself specify what these feelings where, the same strategy Rafe would take.

After ten minutes of walking, they had arrived at the cliff; the sky darkened a little but the sun had not set yet. Upon the cliff was no one but them and Lana sat on a little hedge, one that would be perfect for diving; to her comfort, Rafe took a seat next to her.

She pondered at the view; the ocean glimmered and twinkled at her through the affects of the sun that was bound to set in a few minutes.

"You know," he began, mirroring her actions and also looking out into the view, "it's been a couple of hours and you haven't asked any questions."

"Questions?" she asked, turning to look at him; as did he.

"I thought it would be a bigger curiosity to you about why you had to be off the island," he clarified, intrigued to what her reason would be.

She thought about it for a second, surprised at the answer herself as she had also expected to be more curious about it. "I think," she started, hesitating whilst she thought of the right words to say. "I think I honestly just forgot about it," she truthfully admitted, gazing into his eyes.

"Really?" he scoffed, smiling at the thought that she wasn't even hiding the fact that she was lost in his eyes, "and how is that?"

"Because I was having fun," she confessed, gifting him an innocent smile; a genuine smile that showed how much she enjoyed that day.

He looked away, not wanting her to capture the joy that brought him. "We stayed in a library and argued over books," he reinforced, wanting her to admit why she found such a bland day fun.

"That's not how I saw today," she began, peacefully returning her gaze to the ocean. She took a deep breath, as if the air was purer around him. He longed for him to say something but he wouldn't, instead he admired the view that was in-front of him - as did she.

In that moment, she thought about concluding on a lot of things, things that had been long overdue to be thought about.

She took this opportunity to look at him; she found herself evaluating on the beautiful way the sun bounced off of his cobalt eyes and the way his freckles became more prominent in the sunlight. To her, he was the most enchanting thing to ever introduce itself to her eyes, the most prepossessing creature to ever exist; his every move, breath, and blink sent her into a hypnotic trance. She felt as if sometimes she could feel his energy physically radiating off of him, consuming her whole as she let herself be; as if he was now the only thing that made her feel secure and safe, the only person she had lately wanted to be around.

Only because you asked // Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now