Chapter Twenty Two - The power he had on her

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She stormed backed into the main part of the event, JJ striding besides her as he rapidly informed her to meet the rest of them with Sarah later on, returning to run off with Kiara, Pope and John B.

She poured herself a glass of water, drinking it in extreme thirst.

"You want something a little stronger than that?" Sarah asked her, walking over.

She sighed, placing the glass down on the table.

"Actually, no," she replied, despite her sadness not wanting to get drunk.

"Well I do," Sarah told her, looking down at the floor. "Topper's getting on my last nerve."

"I don't understand why you're still with him," Lana questioned, agitation in her tone.

"Dad told me to put the break-up on hold for at least tonight."

The two of them entered the building and found an empty room somewhere; it was just a facilities closet but it was some peace and quiet. Sarah glugged on a bottle of Fireball, wincing at the taste however continuing to drink it.

"I need your honest opinion," Lana began, looking up at Sarah with her tired eyes, feeling so sick of herself.

"Yeah?" Sarah replied, growing anxious at her serious state.

Lana sighed, resting her head against the wall. "Do you think I deserve to be happy?"

Sarah, frowned, setting the bottle aside. "Of course, why do you ask?"

"No reason," she replied. Not long after, her sadness converted to anger and she got up, leaving Sarah in the closet.

This wasn't fair; if Rafe was too embarrassed to allow anyone he knows to view any sort of encounter with her, then she had to hear him say it. She had to hear him say that he wants nothing to do with her.

It broke her heart when he said what he had said; he commented on her with such disrespect, as if she had been invisible to him at the time. His words had the intention of hurting her, and this tore a streak through heart; it hurt her particularly because she was growing attached to him, she left herself care for him.

She stumbled her way back to the location of the main event, bumping into Cole. "Thank you," she said, snatching the bottle of Bacardi from his hands and walking off.

She wandered off, trying to find her way way back home but taking a wrong turn somewhere and ending up at a creek.

She took another sip of the drink, huffing as she felt the tears stream down her face. She didn't want to cry; she had been trying so hard not to but it had been no use.

She walked into the creek, ignoring the iciness of the water and sat in it; it wasn't that deep at all, in fact it had only been approximately 5 centimetres deep.

There she was, sitting in a creek in her midsummers dress, crying into a bottle of rum.

She started crying out loud now, talking to herself. "Liar," she sobbed, wiping the tears with her hand but only making her face wetter as her hand had previously been the water of the creek. "What a fucking liar," she evaluated, bringing the bottle to her lips but then quickly removing it to add onto her sentence. "Pope would've never done this," she weeped, throwing her head into her hands but then rapidly started to reach out for the Bacardi bottle, fearing that it might spill into the water she was sitting in. "It's not fair," she whimpered, thinking back to her kiss with Rafe.

It had been the realest thing she had ever felt.

The electrifying feeling of his lips gliding against hers whilst his hands rested on the sides of her face, guiding her in the motion that would deepen the kiss.

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