Chapter Twenty Six - Unravelment of new things

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She followed him into his room, sighting the bed and immediately jumping into it, submerging herself under the covers. She wanted to do nothing more than to rest in the warmth and to forget about her 'time of the month', but it seemed pretty impossible for her to do that as she was consumed with excruciating pain.

She peaked her head out from the covers, seeing Rafe leaned against his wall as he tried to hide his smile.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" she asked him, pouting her lips at him.

He remained stood for a few more seconds, a smile creeping on his face as he admired her in her most vulnerable state.

Reluctantly walking over to the bed, he got into the covers with her, letting her rest on his arm as she buried her face into his shirt. She took in the smell of him; a smell that was rapidly becoming more familiar to her as time went by.

"Gimme that," she said, snatching the TV remote from out of his hands. "You're not reliable." She switched the TV on.

"Yes, because now I'm destined to 7 hours of Marvel movies."

She shot her head up to look at him. "What's wrong with that?"

He released a chuckled before she returned her head back onto his chest, browsing through his TV. After deciding against many options, she landed on 'The Holiday', gasping as she pressed play.

"Sarah made me watch this last week," he complained, sliding further down on the bed as he snuggled closer to her, resting his chin above her head

"Lucky you," she she told him, liking the feeling of his body pressed up against hers.

She let the heat radiating off of him swallow her whole, allowing her body to feel something she had never felt before.


Quite literally having her in his hands was enough to leave him smiling for years; in a way, he felt complete. Linking his hand with hers under the covers felt almost equivalent to inserting a key into a lock; it felt satisfying to feel something that had been longed for.

It felt exhilarating, like waves of elation streaming like fireworks throughout her veins, greeting a sense of exuberance. The gratifying sensation of having her ear pressed against his chest conveyed to her an immense amount of glee as she peacefully counted his heartbeat, treating it like a therapeutic adventure.

He was like a healing to her, filling the holes in her heart with every circle he drew on her arm with his fingers. She needed him; without him, she felt stranded and lost.

Part of her urged her to break loose of his hypnotic trance he had placed on her before she got too attached, and though that would be what she considered to be the wisest thing to do, she didn't want to. She didn't want to live a lie of a life, denying the one thing she wanted most. She wanted him, and she had him. She wanted to reminisce in her luck.

They laid watching the movie, intertwined with each other as her face was being fanned by the air that would come out of his nose when he exhaled.

She left a message for her mother, claiming that she was with Sarah and that'd she'd be home late as they were watching a movie.

The 'Sarah' part was a lie, but everything else was true.

The room was dark, the only light source being the TV and a lamp on the bedside table.

"Shut me up if you start to feel uncomfortable," she began, pulling herself off of him and sitting up against the bed frame, he took her hand again as a sign of not wanting to be separate from her. "Who's Maddy?"

Only because you asked // Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now