Chapter Twenty Three - Discovering a new feeling

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They reached the front of Lana's door, the rain still pouring heavily.

"Do you wanna come in?" she asked Rafe, her hand gripping the door handle.

He chuckled. "And what do you suppose I tell your father when he asks me why I'm here?" She shrugged, opening the door. "I'll go have shower back at mine, and then I'll come over."

She nodded, liking the idea of that.

The warmth of the house consumed her, heating her up almost immediately. She liked having him, in a sense that meant that she had him more than others did. It was nights like this she'd spent alone in her room, alone with her thoughts; knowing that soon he'd be with her provided her comfort. This was because this was Rafe Cameron. The most you'd ever see him being affectionate was perhaps a handshake with Sarah; knowing that such a closed off person was willingly  showing care towards her gave her a sense of specialty.

Such a rage-filled person had also been the same person who held her and traced random veins on the inside of the arm to calm her down when she had been feeling sea sick on the boat back to the island.

He sat in a creek for her.

She took a shower and put on an oversized T-Shirt and shorts, her usual night wear and sat in the living room; she put on The Dark Knight, a film she found herself rewatching many times over the years due to her strange fascination with the Joker.

She wondered what went wrong; what had to have happened to a person to convert their mind to such insanity.

After a couple of minutes, she already found herself dosing off to sleep, her eyes growing heavier by the second but a notification from her phone had startled her.

Rafe had asked her to open the door, remembering that she had asked him to text her instead of doing the doorbell to prevent Cole from coming out of his room - there was no worry for her parents as of yet, they hadn't returned form midsummers yet.

Shooting up, she ran to the door and opened it, seeing his hair wet and in some grey sweats. The only time she had seen him like this had to have been the morning after the party Sarah and her had gone to.

She grabbed his hand pulled him inside, Rafe pushing the door so it would close as he was being dragged away into the living room. She let go of his hand, looking up at him.

"Sit," she demanded.

"You may as well give me a collar too at this point," he remarked, taking a seat on the sofa just as she had ordered him to.

She sat down next to him, wrapping her arms around him and curling up into a little ball with her knees up, placing her head on his shoulder as she resumed watching her movie.

He looked over to her, who also looked up at him with her chin still on his shoulder.

"Need anything?" she asked him, smiling.

He smiled back, turning his head back to face the TV to prevent her from seeing his cheeks stain crimson, trying to force his smile away. "No."

She returned her head to its original position on his shoulder, holding him tighter in comfort. It felt so strange to do such a thing, but it felt good.

It felt amazing.

"Do you ever watch anything different?" he asked her, letting out a chuckle as he slid down the sofa a little to sit more comfortably with her, stretching his arm out behind her so that she could use it as a neck rest; he placed his head against hers, the two of them still facing the TV but smiling at the thought of each other.

"I watch other things," she argued, wondering how he would know that she watches nothing other than The Dark Knight anyways.

"You practically live at my house," he reasoned, his hand that had been on the other side of her shoulder gently drawing soft lines with his fingers on her upper arm. "You're there more than I am."

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