Chapter Thirteen - Continuation of her intertest

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"No," Sarah said, laughing through the tears. "He came by my house tonight," she began, Lana nodding as an indication for her to carry on. "He told me how selfish it was of me to never tell him I love him, so I said it."

"Did you mean it?"

Sarah wiped the tears from off her cheek, looking down at the floor. "No."

"You need to break up with him," Lana advised her, not bearing having to see her bestest friend in the whole world cry over a boy that hurt her once again.

"I will, just not yet," she assured her, returning back to her drink.

Lana also ordered a drink so Sarah wouldn't feel entirely alone in the process, sipping on it slowly so she wouldn't have to order another one.

"What's up with you?" Sarah questioned, noticing the saddened look upon her face. Lana nodded, trying to dismiss the topic but Sarah refused to let her stay quiet about it.

"Stupid boy," she admitted, feeling awkward in the factor that said boy was her brother.

"Who?" she curiously asked.

"Can't say."

"Lana," Sarah frowned, feeling outraged. "We tell each other everything."

"It doesn't matter anyways," she told her, taking another sip of her drink. "I hate him anyways." She was taken aback at the statement she had just said. She knew very well that she did not hate him, as much as she wanted to. That being said, though hatred was not the right emotion for now, anger was one thing that was definite. "In fact," she continued, "I wanna drown him in bleach."

"Woah," Sarah exclaimed, wondering now more than ever who the mysterious boy was.

"I want to push his stupid face into mud, with my own shoe."

This caused Sarah to laugh, pleasing Lana that she could make her friend happy despite the distress Topper had sent her way.

Her anger for Rafe was amplified now more than ever, how could he so such a thing to Pope? How could he elude himself in such pointless politics of social class?

Unraveling her emotions on the straw she was sipping on, she turned her head to eye the sudden movement in the corner of her eye.

'Why was he also at the pub' she thought to herself, feeling her anger rise once more.

She threw away the straw and downed the rest of her drink, slamming the glass on the bar and storming off into his direction, leaving Sarah.

"Where's your medal?" she asked him, causing him to turn to face her as she approached him. He had arrived with Kelce and Topper, praying that he would stay away from Sarah tonight. Rafe raised one eyebrow, confused at her question. "Your medal? I assumed that's why you jumped Pope." Rolling his eyes, he turned away from her, resuming his conversation with his friends. "Why do you have to be such a cunt?"

He slowly turned around, shoving his drink into Toppers hands. His towering height crowed over her, causing her to slightly back away, his eyes emotionless.

This was the moment she realised that her fear for him had returned. The fear she felt when she encounter him at the party last week. Knowing that he could be so violent through his gentle persona left her on edge; it honestly terrified her.

"Walk away," he commanded, his voice dauntingly low.

She felt the familiar feeling to obey as he said, purely out of fear however she was able to conquer that urge.

"Give me a reason for why you did it first."

He rolled his eyes, Topper and Kelce laughing hysterically in the background.

Only because you asked // Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now