Chapter Twenty Seven - Retrieving the impossible

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The next morning, she was awoken by the slight sunshine that was drilling into her eyes from the bit of the window that wasn't covered by the curtain.

She looked around, finding herself in a bed that was not hers.

She fell asleep with Rafe.

She swore profanities under her breath as she thought about a reason she could provide to her parents; she had told them to expect her back home late, not the next day.

Rafe was still asleep; she was using his chest as her pillow as the air coming from his nose fanned her, moving a bit of her hair as he breathed in and out.

She could hear his steady heartbeat; to her, it was her lullaby. She resisted the urge to fall back asleep, to give into the warmth of  his body and hold him for dear life as she shut her eyes again, but she knew she had to get up.

His arm was snaked around her waist with his face snuggled into her hair, not making a single sound other than his breathing; it was the most peaceful she'd ever seen him.

There was absolutely no place else she'd rather be; she'd lay in his arms for an eternity if it were possible, never letting go.

She got up and turned away, about to step out of the bed before the hand on her waist became tighter. "Tryna sneak out?" he asked her, his voice coated with rasp and bass. She turned around to see him with his eyes still closed, having not moved at all.

"No," she told him, whipping the duet off of her to get out but his arm on her waist only became stronger.

"Then where are you going?" His eyes we're still closed and his voice remained low.

"It's gross."


"I need to change my pad."

"That's not gross."

His eyes were still closed.

"I need to go now or you'll get a stain on your mattress," she whined, lightly grazing her nails over the arm he had wrapped around her.

"Who cares?" he complained, sensing her lie back down next to him.

He finally opened his eyes to see her facing him, smiling.

"I do," she told him, wiping away an eyelash on his cheek. "Sarah and I also have to go somewhere," she informed him, referring to the meet up at the Crain house.

"Where?" he asked her, sitting up and getting out of bed to grab the glass of water on the table that was on the other side of the room.

Lana shrugged. "Meeting with a couple friends," she truthfully told him, trying to stay clear of lies without confiding in him the real truth.

She got out of his bed and walked over to him, standing on her tiptoes to place gentle kiss on his cheek as he proceeded to take a sip of his water. She walked out of his room to go into Sarah's across the hall, trying to stay as silent as she could be.

Once she was able to successfully open the door and enter without making any noise, she was greeted with a shocked appearance.

Sarah, who was still laying in her bed but awake on her phone, shot her face up to look at Lana.

At the exact same time, the two of them spoke words to each other, a mixture of "did you sleepover?" and "it's not what it looks like".

"I need a pad," she asked her.

"Oh, so that answers the obvious question," Sarah concluded, getting out of her bed to enter her bathroom, pulling out a pad from the sink cabinet.

"We were watching a movie and I fell asleep," she confessed, taking the pad.

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