Chapter Two - The disappearance of Agatha

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"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Lana proposed, getting bored of the ambiance in Sarah's room.

"Yeah alright, let's go downstairs then," she said, grabbing the bowl of grapes from her bed and heading towards the door.

The living room was large and spacious; the sofa surrounded the entire edge of the room and the TV was unnecessarily big but, that was the Cameron's way of showing off their expense.

"What do you wanna watch?" she asked, grabbing the TV remote. Lana slyly smiled at her, raising her eyebrows cunningly earning a sigh from Sarah. "We're not watching The Vampire diaries."

"Why not?" she cried out, deeply hurt and offended.

"Because that's what we always watch," she complained. "Let's watch Pulp Fiction."

"Yeah why not, we've only watched it a billion times."

"And you love me for it," Sarah sang, winking at Lana.

The film was more in the background of the atmosphere whilst they talked.

"How long do you think the storm's gonna last?" Lana questioned, gazing at the window.

"Dad says at least until tomorrow," she answered, sprawling out on the sofa, trying to get comfortable.

After several minutes, Lana's phone buzzed, lighting up. A message from her brother.

How is it fair that you escaped to the Cameron's whilst I'm stuck here listening to Mum and Dad's bickering. 

She let out an unenthusiastic chuckle, replying back to him.


"Who is it?" Sarah queried, reaching out for the grapes only to find they were finished yet again.

"Cole, he's complaining about our parents arguing," she stated, allowing herself to use this moment usefully. "Speaking of brothers, where's yours?"

"Probably in his room, or with Wheezie," she yawned, reaching out for the empty bowl hoping that magically there would now be something in it. "He's actually writing a book, that's probably what he's doing."

Lana blinked, surprised. "He is?"

"Yeah, I stole his laptop and read some of it," she sat up. "Lana, I was stunned."

She raised her eyebrow in confusion, indicating for her to elaborate. "Really?"

"Yeah. Trust me, I was surprised too. I almost cried at some of it, I don't know why he hides that side of him."

Part of Lana was tempted to go find and talk to him. She was of course aware of how ridiculous and needless that would be because she knew there was a high chance of it ending with her feeling upset, so why was the idea introducing itself to her at all?

She picked up the empty bowl and fixated her eyes on Lana, looking at her with puppy dog eyes.

"Please. No more grapes or I think I'll explode."

A couple more hours passed and the sky began to darken immensely, stipulating nightfall. The hurricane grew heavier and the rain harshened, violently colliding with the window though it was rather relaxing. The two girls drifted off to sleep on the sofa unintentionally, dosing off to the sound of rain and waking up
to the sound of what sounded like construction. The clearance of the aftermath of Hurricane Agatha.

The sun lazered into Lana's eyes irritably, causing her to sit up only to find Sarah still fast asleep. That wasn't the only thing she was made aware of, they both had blankets on them. Neither of them had blankets with them before falling asleep, and the gesture pleased Lana. It was probably Rose. Who else could it have been?

"Get up," she groaned, gently throwing a cushion on her face. Sarah winced in discomfort and submerged herself underneath the blanket like a vampire, delicate towards the sun.

"Awww, you gave me a blanket," she teased from under the blanket. "How thoughtful."

"It wasn't me," she responded. "Probably Rose."

Whilst rubbing her eyes agitatedly like a child,  she grabbed her phone to find a missed call from her Mother.

"I better get going, my parents probably want me home now," she said, disappointment in her voice and she trodded towards the front door.

"You wanna meet up later?" she asked excitedly. "Topper and I are going to a party, come with us."

Lana blinked.

"Sure, because nothing screams exciting more than being a third wheel," she exasperated sarcastically, giving Sarah a thumbs up.

"You're coming, go pick out an outfit."

She lazily walked over back to her house that was just a few steps away, pressing on the doorbell. Her father opened the door.

"You look delightful," he teased, referring to the birds nest that was her hair.

"Nice to see you too."

She entered her home, an interior that was an almost replica of the Cameron's expect it appeared older, and slightly bigger. After propping herself on the sofa, she resumed her position in The Vampire Diaries and attempted to fall back asleep.

She often questioned her laziness. What is her lack of energy, or just her depression? Either way, she tried to recall the last time she dressed up. It wasn't like her to wear anything other than a hoodie and some shorts, and to just let her semi-curly black hair fall free and loose. Not because she admired her hair, but because she simply was not ever bothered to do something about it. She was pretty set on just staying home that night, however the party was in fact an opportunity for her to get out into the world again. Allow herself to dress up and meet other people other than Sarah. Her social skills fell to a zero, but that never really bothered her.

After contemplating it for a bit, she was stuck so naturally she wondered for her brother's input.

"Cole," she began, entering her brother's room and sitting on the bed which clearly annoyed him. "There's a party tonight."

"And?" he asked, urging her to get to the point.

"I'm conflicted about wether I should go or not."

"And my input matters because?"

"I don't know, you're older so speak your wisdom."

He peeled his eyes away from his phone to look at her. "Go. Maybe you'll earn yourself a social life."

"Great wisdom, thank you very much," she praised sarcastically, rolling her eyes and exiting his room to go into her own which was down the hall.

She was going to do exactly that, earn herself a social life.

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