Chapter 5- The Living Room Argument

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Me and Dylan walk into the living room and Hunter looks up at me and he looks furious. 

I honestly don't care. 

I don't see why he's so mad? Like seriously!

I didn't want to come here but, Dylan insisted that we work on the project.

Elizabeth sighs then looks at Dylan with an irritated look. 

"What the hell are you doing here? Why are you bothering me and my boyfriend!?" Elizabeth says annoyed.

Dylan rolls his eyes and says, "we have a project we have to do together and we need a computer. So, if you don't mind... Go away so we can focus."

I laugh a little to myself. 

"Hey, don't talk to her like that." Hunter says while getting up to face Dylan.

Dylan smirks then says "I can say what I want to her. I've known her my whole life, and you've known her for two days, so shut the hell up before I make you." 

Hunter looks at Dylan and takes a deep breath before saying, "yeah but,  you should not talk to someone like that, let alone your sister!"

Did he seriously just say that? It's his sister! All siblings argue like that. Hell, Hunter talks to me like that all the time!

"Well you speak to your sister with even more disrespect! Hell, I even heard you call her a bitch before! You also command her around like she's your slave! Literally the only reason you are saying all of this is because you want to impress my sister!" 

Wait... Has Dylan really noticed all of that? Has he noticed me?

"Are you stalking us now! You need to stay the f**k away from my little sister!" Hunter says. 

He has no right to say that. I can hang out with Dylan if I want to. 

"Emma is her own person, she has the right to hang out with whoever she damn well pleases!" Dylan yells in his face. 

Hunter yells back, "Not if I say otherwise!" 

My jaw drops open. He did not just say that.

Hunter is about to get beat up big time. It will be an amazing sight to see him get punched in the face. 

Dylan turns towards me and he mouths something to me and it takes me a moment to realize what he's saying "sorry about this."

Dylan throws his fist back and punches my brother in the face.

Thank the heavens!! He deserved that.

I know it's mean to say but, it's true Hunter is a complete jerk. I still love him but, he really needs a lesson in being responsible and respectful.

Unfortunately, I can't let Dylan beat him up, as tempting as it is.

I touch Dylan on the shoulder and say, "please stop. I know he's an asshole but, he is my brother." 

Dylan looks up at me and says, "I won't beat him up unless he does something stupid."

I sigh. 

Hunter stands up straight and Elizabeth rushes over to Hunter. "Are you okay babe? He didn't hurt you, did he? Please, just stop, before someone gets seriously hurt." 

Hunter gets close to Dylan's face and says in a low, angry voice, "don't mess with me or you'll regret it."

Dylan just laughs. 

I try to hold my laugh back too but, I fail miserably.

Me and Dylan laugh so hard. We both bent over from laughing so hard. Elizabeth and Hunter stand their expressions confused as ever. 

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