Chapter 32- Tap. Tap.

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++I am so sorry I have not updated lately! I hope this chapter is worth the wait! Image above is of Maia Mitchell who plays Maggie -Author.++


What do I tell her? Do I say the truth? Or a lie?

Maybe I'll tell her that I fell down the stairs. Or a dog attacked me.

She would believe that wouldn't she?

"Emma. What the hell happened to you?" My mom says seriously.

"I- um..... I fell?" I say a little unsure of myself.

"Really Emma. Would you seriously think that I would believe that?" She asks me with a look that says 'I don't believe a damn word that you have just said'

I let out a long sigh and I decide that I will tell her the truth.

"Okay mom. I-I almost got violated at the party that I went to a few days ago." My eyes start to water but I don't let the tears fall.

My mom looks surprised at first, then she looks angry, then sad.

She starts tearing up and she asks in a shaky voice, "Why didn't you tell anyone? Why didn't you tell me sooner? What do you mean by almost go violated?"

"Well this girl named Tiffany walked in on it before it went to far." I said.

I almost forgot about Tiffany and her threat.

"Answer my other question, Why didn't you tell someone sooner?" She asks again.

I let out a shaky sigh and say "Well Tiffany really likes Dylan and she said that if I told anyone then she would send him after me to finish what he started. I don't ever want to see that guy again." A tear falls down my cheek.

"Oh my God, honey, I am so sorry." My mom gets up and hugs me.

I let the tears fall freely now.

"Shh... Honey you're okay now." My mom says while wiping her eyes from the tears.

I nod my head and I kept hugging mom.

Just then Hunter comes into the room and he sees us crying.

"What the hell happened?" He asks while rushing over to us.

"It's nothing you have to worry about Hunter." I say as I get up from my mothers arms and I walk to my room.

I can't believe I actually told mom about what happened.

I hate Tiffany so much though. Why would she threaten me to be violated?

She's the one who slept with someone else, and she can't take the responsibility of telling him herself. That is just wrong.

Wait, does Dylan like Tiffany?

Oh my God! What if he does?!

We just kissed a little while ago and I didn't even stop and think about weather or not Dylan is involved with her.

I am so stupid.

Why would he like me anyways?

I am so naive. He is probably just using me like he does with all girls.

Even if I do like Dylan, I wouldn't be able to be with him. Tiffany would most definitely send Jack after me.

He would most likely use me and break my heart.

God I am so stupid. I should have never kissed him.

I wipe my face from tears and I lay down and I try to sleep.

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