Chapter 29- It's Date Time!!

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(Image of Emma's outfit along with Shailene Woodley who plays Emma!) -author

**Dylan's POV**

I don't know what is wrong with Emma.

What the hell happened at that party?

Why won't she tell me?

Why did Tiffany ask to speak with her at the shop we were at?

And who was calling her a few minutes ago?

I ask all these questions while walking home from Emma's.

Ugh I can't believe I almost told her! I'm so damn stupid.

I feel like it's right in front of me as to why Emma was so freaked out.

It's like when you have a word at the tip of your tongue but you can't get it out.

Finally I reach home.

When I walk into the living room I am greeted by my mom and Elizabeth.

"Hey. What's going on?" I ask Elizabeth.

"I don't know mom just said to meet her in here. She didn't tell me why." Liz says.

"I need to tell you guys some exciting news." Mom says with excitement in her voice.

"Okay. What is it?" I ask her while sitting down.

"I have been seeing someone." She says with a smile.

"What do you mean your seeing someone?" I ask.

"Meaning  that I have a boyfriend. We are actually really serious." She says.

I can't believe this. My mom has a boyfriend.

All I feel is shock and a little bit of anger, and I feel a lot of sadness.

I'm not shocked that she has a boyfriend because my mom is beautiful. She has the same dark blue eyes that just sparkle every time she looks at you. She has long straight brown hair. She is really a wonderful and beautiful person. Her and Elizabeth look a lot alike.

I'm shocked at the fact that she moved on from dad....

It kind of hurts that she has.

Elizabeth jumps up and down in excitement and yells "Oh My God! I'm so happy for you!"

Mom looks relieved that Liz approves of her dating another man.

Mom then looks at me with a worried expression over her face.

I look anywhere other than at my mother.

I don't want to upset her. She has already been through enough in her life.

I just say "Okay, happy for you." I say it so quietly even I can barely hear what I said.

With that I walk away from my mother and Liz and I go downstairs to my room.

I didn't know what else to say. All I feel right now is anything but happiness.

I feel betrayed, angry, and most of all.....


I just don't get how she can move on.

I don't think I can ever move on from that night.

It still hurts.

It has been 4 and a half years since then and it still hurts to even think about him.

I feel an ache in my chest. A longing feeling that I can't explain.

I suddenly feel like I was just punched in the chest multiple times and I can't breath.

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