Chapter 10- the lake house part1

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Before I know it it's the long weekend we have planned. so we get five whole days of no school. I would be excited but I have to spend the whole weekend with Dylan and his friends.

I mean I will have my friends too but it is still going to be really awkward.

All four of my friends are here now and helping me pack.

"Emma you need to bring that adorable black bikini with you." Maggie days and everyone nods in agreement.

"I don't know I mean their will be guys there..."

Before I can continue Jess says
"That's exactly why you need to."


"That means this whole time were away you are wearing sexy cloths." says caroline.

They each picked out one swimsuit each for me to wear while we're there.

Maggie picked out a night yellow one that brings out my tan, Jessica picked out one with no straps and has tassels and it's hot pink. Jess picked out a black and white striped bikini, and Caroline picked out a brown bikini that was pretty cute. and everyone chose the black one because it is very cute and sexy and I looks amazing on me.

They basically picked out all of my clothes. For pants they picked five pair of shorts that were really short. But they look great on me. And they put three pairs of skinny jeans.

And now the shirts. They picked some belly shirts and some tank tops and some regular shirts.

"Are we done packing my stuff now?"

"Well no because you need your unmentionables."

"Caroline!" I say while slapping her arm.

"Ow!! Just make sure you get some that are pretty not grandma style!"

"Caroline!!" I say once again slapping her arm.

Everyone starts laughing. Me included.

I got all my stuff in my bag and I'm amazed that everything fit in my duffle bag. I even got my toothbrush, hairbrush, deodorant, etc..... in the bag. I was pretty proud of myself.

The boys drive up in my drive way and all of us girls suddenly got really nervous. We all grab our bags and head downstairs to the big van the guys rented. Dylan jumps out of the back of the huge van and grabs my stuff from my hands and says "allow me." and he puts the stuff with everyone else's stuff which is in the middle of the walk way.

Everyone gets situated in the van and I end up being beside of Dylan. Oh what's my luck (note the sarcasm).

Daniel is driving and Jessica is in the middle seat and Avery is in the front seat.

I'm sitting in between Maggie and Dylan Maggie is sitting across from sam and Caroline is sitting by Jackson and jess is between sam and Caroline.

And Daniel starts the huge ass can and we are on our way to the lake house.

About half way through the ride their I begin to fall asleep.

I put my head on someone's shoulder and I drift to sleep.


"Wake up were here." I hear a strong sexy voice say.

"No I don't want to I'm so comfortable."

"I'm glad your comfortable on my shoulder but I'm sure we can continue this later."

"I don't think we can." I say and I still don't know who I'm talking too.

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