Chapter 4- The Bad Boy's Room

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He opens the door, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. 

It was completely spotless. Not a trace of dust anywhere. 

I pictured his room to be a complete disaster. I mean most teenage boy's room are a complete mess, but not Dylan's.

I didn't even notice that I stopped at the door way until he turns towards me and says, "you going to walk in here or do I need to pick you up?"

I snap out of my daze and walk inside his room.

In the middle of his room is a big king sized bed with a bedside table on the side. His walls are a dark navy blue. He has a desk beside the door and a shut door that must be a closet. There is also a book shelf beside the door.

Wait... Is Elizabeth his sister? Are they twins? 

I decide to ask him, "are you and Elizabeth twins?" 

"Hell no! She skipped a grade so that's why were in the same grade. She is 16, almost 17." He says. 

We sit in silence for a while then he randomly says, "Okay let's get started on this project."

I nod my head and say, "Where do we start?"

"Um.... there agricultural I think?" He asks. 

"Do you have a computer?" I ask.

"Who doesn't princess?" He smirks.

I roll my eyes. "Well, where is it?" I say with annoyed tone.

"It's in the living room, so we have to do the project out there."

"Your kidding right?" He shakes his head.

"Shit!" I yell out.

"What?" He asks. 

"Hunter will be pissed if I bother him."

He chuckles then says, "well, if he has a problem with me and you working on a project then he can take that up with me."

I giggle to the thought of Dylan fighting my brother.

"What?" He says. 

"Nothing it's just that it's a weird picture to see you and my brother fighting." 

He shrugs his shoulders and we head to the living room. 

And hopefully this evening won't end up with Hunter and a bloody nose. 

$$$$Author Note$$$$
Sorry for a short chapter, next chapter will be longer. Once again sorry for any mistakes.


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