Moving In

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"Y/n! Come on were going to be late!" I heard my mom call my name from downstairs as I was packing up, reminding me that it's time to go. We were getting ready for an airplane trip to New York City since my mom said that dad has been there for a month for work and was suggesting that we should live there from now on.

And I was so happy, I've always wanted to know what it's like to live there, I just wanted to try new things and travel the world. We've been to some places around the world a few years back, such as; New Jersey, Los Angeles, and many more. We had many souvenirs from those countries.

I quickly finished up my packing, making sure that I didn't leave anything behind before me and mom leave the house and live our fresh new lives. "Alright, ready to go, sweetheart?" mom asked. I nodded and gave her a thumbs up and we went for the car. I buckled up my seat belt and mom drove off to the airport. I was feeling bored, so I had some time to read a teen romance novel along the way and write a bit on my journal.

"You okay back there, buttercup?" mom asked again, she's so sweet and nice. She's the best mom a teenager could ask for. "Yeah, mom." I replied to her as I was writing. I felt my eyes get a little heavy and before I knew it, I fell asleep during the ride.

I was awoken by the feeling of someone shaking my shoulder and saying, "Hey, sleepy head. We're here." I heard my mom say, I immediately got up from my seat and undid my seat belt and got out my luggage and we went in the airport.

This was my very first time going on a trip on an airplane, so I was afraid that I'm might get sick during the flight or a bit dizzy.

"You okay?" my mom looked at me in concern.

"Yeah, mom. I'm fine, It's just that I've never been on a plane before." I said to her. She patted me on the shoulder and smiled at me.

"It's alright, kiddo. I'm here. If youre experiencing motion sickness, I'll be here. There is a device on the plane for it thought." she told me. I was excited though, I haven't seen my dad in forever. And today is the day.

We got on our flight and we flew off, the plane flying through the air. I was by the window so I could see the whole view of the sky, how high we were. "It's pretty beautiful there is it?" my mom said, smiling.

"It sure is.." I got my headphones out and played some tunes. "Your father will be there at our new home in New York. He said he already fixed up the apartment." mom told me about dad.

Were living in an an apartment? That's quite nice I guess. After the flight, me and mom got our stuff out and got out. Me sighing of relief.

"You look fine, you did well. You didn't look loopy at least."

"Yeah, where is dad though?" I asked mom, scratching my head.

"He said that he's living an apartment and we'll be living there as well. Just need a taxi. That's the problem..." mom said, looking at the busy street looking for someone to pick us up.

We finally got a taxi, me and mom got in and the driver drove off to our new home.

At the apartment...

We're finally here, out new home and our new lives. "Home sweet home. Hope he's in there." mom said. As we entered there apartment, in the corner of my eye, I saw a girl who was almost my age. She had one side shaved hair and was blonde, all she did was wave at me.

I didn't quite seem to notice it. I smiled at her and waved as well.
"Is there anything wrong?" mom asked.

"No, not at all. Nothing." I replied.

We knocked on the door and my dad answered, very happy to see us. "Hey, Y/n! Honey, there you are!" dad greeted us and gave us a big hug.

As he hugged us, I saw that girl again. She just picked her head out and went back in her room. Like nothing happened. I thought it was suspicious.
But I thought nothing of it and went in my new home.

I could see that dad had already settled in the apartment and furniture everywhere, beautifully decorated. He even made dinner for us already which was really kind of him. He's so the best dad a girl could ask for.

Of course, I love both of my parents. They do their best to provide for me and do the best. I was really happy now. I was so excited to make some new friends, if I can. Maybe that girl next door can be.

I'll have to see later on if I ever get enrolled in a high school. It was now nighttime, I was in my room making some drawing art while listening to music. As I was doing this, I heard mom and dad having a little talk downstairs. I silently creeped down the steps to hear what they were talking about.

Sometimes I get the feeling that they're talking about me, and thinking that it could be urgent. But no, instead, I could her them talking about a high school that might be nice for me to get enrolled in. Which was good news fo me.

I went back to my room, I put my headphones back but when I looked out my window, I could've sworn that I saw something in the corner of my eye. I can't really tell what or who it is, from what I can make out, it was a hooded person sitting on a tall building and immediately left off.

Was it a skilled robber? No.. Probably not.. I hope so..

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