Back at camp, Mark stood over one of the two small gardens. They were planted in rows with mainly cabbages because that was one of the few seeds they could actually find."Everything has been harvested much quicker," Landon remarked, who had been a boy who helped with the gardens. "Now that we have the store inside, it helps a lot! I can't wait for peanut butter cookies."
Mark wanted food, just like anyone else around here. However, Ashley, along with her followers, roamed the area, so going off to get the food wasn't the ideal choice. He stood with a wooden bucket of cabbage, carrying it back to one of the base areas.
Mark spotted Emma pacing back and forth. "Emma," he called.
"I'm not panicking!" she exclaimed, but she chewed on her lip. "Cindy came, bringing those four somewhere. They were supposed to go somewhere else, not wherever she took them."
"Relax," Mark said.
"Ashley's still out there, plus I don't know if Jade found Esme. All of it is stressful," she said, sitting down in a blue lawn chair.
"They might be going to that meeting with River," he implied. "Apparently, his mother was at the bubble."
Mark had never seen someone with as much anxiety as Emma. She constantly paced whenever she had a bad feeling or anything related to someone running off.
"Nobody told me," she murmured, hanging her head. "Most of the helpful freaks are away, which doesn't help if Ashley appears. I know we have those followers, but it's still not completely safe."
"We aren't safe until Ashley's gone," Mark said.
"I think people are starting to offer themselves."
"Sacrificing themselves?"
"I don't know who or how many, but people are already deciding to die. How could you make that choice? Like... Bella wants to."
Mark still heard what she said. Of all the people, Bella wants to sacrifice herself? She was the least expected person he thought would make that choice.
"Did she say why?" Mark asked.
He wouldn't expect Bella to want to sacrifice her life. She seemed different when he saw her again, like the obsessive behaviour about protecting Jason was gone.
"We don't even know if she'll be chosen. Why leave when she just came back?" Emma panicked. "I thought she was suicidal, but she wants to do it. Followers are close to being destroyed, but they have supernatural abilities. Cassandra is basically a puppet master to them, but some of those only have supernatural power."
Mark grabbed her shoulders to stop her pacing. "You can't worry about every little thing. You'll turn out like Emma, who passed out in the infirmary during the storm."
"I didn't pass out that much."
"Every time I went there, you'd be passed out on the ground. There had been a rare chance you were awake."
From grabbing buckets of vomit, intestines, and urine constantly in the infirmary, Emma was always passed out on the floor or against the wall. He knew that overusing her healing ability drained her energy, plus she was going through a rough mental breakdown.
"I'm better now," she mumbled in her hands.
"Says the one who forgot to eat last night."
"Stop teasing me. You sound like Bryce."
Mark smiled weakly at the compliment. He's seen the many instances where Bryce makes a comment about her not eating enough or needing to sleep longer.
"You have to eat," Mark said.
Science Fiction(Book #3 of Vanished) It's been ten months since the adults vanished. With the darkness still draping over Simcoe, it has left those still alive fearing what Ashley's plans have come to. Despite her mutant powers, Ashley has only one goal: to kill e...