Chapter Sixteen

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Bryce stood meters away from one of those followers with a metal chair, holding it in his hands. What had been the problem? This girl had the same power that he had, but he couldn't figure out the proper way to ambush her.

"Just throw the chair at her!" Mia called, ducking beneath the front desk.

"Eden already killed one of the followers," Bryce said, rolling his eyes.

He whipped the chair while Eden shot a bullet at the same time, but nothing happened. It wasn't exactly Will could do much, but he held a different chair.

"Is that all you got?" She snarled, which Bryce then realized it had been Lucy. She ended up dying? That had been news to Bryce because he didn't remember her dying of the illness.

He dashed down the hallway, glancing around the small rooms. Seeing another chair, he picked it up and started creeping toward the door.

Gunshots went off as he peeked out, seeing Lucy make contact as he slammed her with the chair. She went flying into the opposite room as Will and Eden dashed down the hall.

"I feel like those spies in movies," Will remarked with a grin.

"I'm the helpless victim!" Mia called from the front.

Lucy had stumbled against the locked window as Eden fired multiple times. Will threw his own chair as Lucy gritted her teeth.

Bryce realized his chair had been smashed to pieces. He went back to the room, wobbly grabbing the small dresser. His arms felt like bricks as he shuffled into the room, except that he had been knocked down by a chair. Falling into the wall, he groaned as his head smacked against the window. Eden and Will didn't ask questions because they couldn't focus on their injuries.

The dresser had landed on his own legs, letting out a yelp. Will threw another chair while Eden shot, but he had to have three items before they could actually kill her.

"We're running out of things to use," Will breathed.

Suddenly, Mia came running over, tossing the black office chair on Lucy as she collapsed to the ground. Lucy disappeared as all of them gaped at the sight.

Out of all four of them, Mia ended up actually doing something sensible for once. Had this become a world record?

"Did that actually happen?" Will asked, turning to Mia with widened eyes.

"Eden say some Bible verse because it's a miracle," Bryce hissed as they all attempted to pull off the wooden dresser from his legs.

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me; Philippians 4:13."

"I just wanted to try something," she said, sticking her tongue out.

Bryce leaned forward to try and push the dresser, but his legs shot with pain as he gritted his teeth.

"Why do you always have to get injured? You're the tallest," Mia huffed as she finally threw it to the opposite side.

Setting a hand on the cold wall, Bryce wobbly tried to stand but crashed to the ground. Eden pulled up a pant leg, seeing the legs filled with bruises. The back of his head still ached, and he felt he couldn't walk at all.

"Are my legs broken?" Bryce groaned.

"They are swollen too," Will remarked. Emma was probably going to end up panicking, while he would grin.

"Okay, maybe there's a wheelchair around here," Eden stated. "That's what they use, right?"

"I'm not crippled," Bryce spat.

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