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Something was very wrong. Taehyung could feel it in his bones. By now, news should have reached the people that Taehyung was hiding from. It was surprising that an attack hasn't happened yet.

Which would mean only one thing, there was a bigger storm coming. They must be planning something. And Taehyung hated unpredictability. He hated uncertainty. He liked being in control. At all times.

That's why he was preparing for war, in case it happened. Taehyung knew that Jungkook's pack was no match for his enemies, but that doesn't mean they were a match for Taehyung. He was planning to shift into his human form if needed in case of an attack. The only thing that Taehyung was scared of was Jungkook getting hurt.

But since there hasn't been any news about any impending attack, all he could do was wait.

Wait as he sits by his mate's side, admiring the man who looked so adorable like a bunny but fierce like a warrior. A double bunny. Yeah, that suits Jungkook.

His muscled bunny.


Jungkook could feel the shift in emotions of the pack. Everyone was on high alert. The rogue attack was not normal. Everyone knew that. Rogues don't attack in groups. They don't attack like a pack. Yet, the attack had been done by a group of rogues who acted like a pack.

How was that normal?

This was all so baffling. The only thing that Jungkook was sure of was that the target had been his mate. And someone was very determined to get to him.

People's fascination never ceased to amaze him. Anything new or unraveled fascinates them. So much to the extent that they will do anything to understand it. One such mystery was the trueblood.

Myths have overtime given the trueblood a very fierce reputation, but also an air of mystery. People were curious to know if the myths were correct. If the trueblood can really save a life threatening injury just by his blood, or if the trueblood can really command thousands of people without any problem. The list was endless.

Jungkook won't lie and say that he wasn't intrigued as well. He was ofcourse. But that doesn't mean he would go as far as to harm the trueblood to know his secrets. Not that he would need to harm him. This was his mate, he will learn about him gradually. They had a whole lifetime ahead of themselves anyway.

But what Jungkook couldn't wrap his mind around was the stupidity of such people. Why would you be stupid enough to try to attack and capture a werewolf who can kill your entire pack and wipe your name from existence? How stupid could you get to make an enemy of the trueblood?

People were seriously stupid. Was common sense not so common nowadays?

Jungkook couldn't understand. All he could understand was that his mate was in danger and he wasn't about to let anything happen to the trueblood. Not on his watch.

The fact that he and the trueblood have gotten quite comfortable in the recent days was an understatement. The protectiveness that came after the attack had just strengthen their bond, so much so that now Jungkook was sure he loves the trueblood, regardless that he hasn't seen the human form of his mate.

Love doesn't see appearance. It sees a person's personality and heart. The trueblood was amazing. He was powerful, scary even but he was also caring and protective.

Overtime, the trueblood had grown close to Jimin, the omega who is supposed to be super scared of the trueblood, according to people anyway. The truth is, the trueblood and Jimin have become good friends. Jimin is a chatterbox and the trueblood obviously can't talk as he is in wolf form, but nonetheless, the trueblood sits and listens to whatever Jimin says, occasionally huffing and whining to show response that he is listening. The trueblood was extremely protective of Jimin that Jungkook had felt a little jealous, not gonna lie. But it was all good because Jungkook knew why the trueblood was behaving that way. They had found out that Jimin was expecting.

So apparently, the trueblood knew before any of them, before even Jimin, and now, he was Jimin's unofficial protector. Jimin was honestly so overwhelmed with the affection of the trueblood. It was endearing to see such a bond between an omega and such a high rank as the trueblood.

Jungkook was really proud to have such a mate.

Now, when the trueblood was threatened, Jungkook had realized that his feelings have gone beyond just the mate bond. He was falling in love. And he was happy about it. He doesn't care how the trueblood looks in human form. He has began to realize when the human was in control just by the eyes of the wolf and honestly, during that time he can feel the difference in the care and affection. The human side was so gentle in his wolf form, that Jungkook couldn't help but wonder how his mate would actually behave when he finally shifts. Ofcourse, he doesn't know how the human would behave with other people, but what he was sure of was how his mate was going to be with him. His mate was going to be perfect, just like he already is in his wolf form.

Love is love, it doesn't see appearance, the past or ranks. It only sees the person who has become your world, and all their perfection. Cracks and flaws blend into the background, because they don't matter. Love doesn't judge. Love is half-half. Just like the trueblood has began to complete Jungkook, he hopes that he will be able to complete the trueblood someday.


Taehyung knew it was a mistake. The minute he realized what he felt, he should have controlled it.

But how does one control falling in love?

All the interaction he has had with Jungkook had been in his wolf form, and yet, Taehyung had found himself wanting to run his human fingers through Jungkook's soft hair and caress his pretty cheeks.

Those sparkling doe eyes that held galaxies and that adorable bunny smile that makes Taehyung smile unconsciously, it was all making Taehyung lose control of his feelings.

Jungkook was everything Taehyung could ask for. Hell, Taehyung didn't even know his sexuality before he met Jungkook. Taehyung wasn't someone who got attached to people easily, his childhood had made sure that he never trusted anyone.

But Jungkook had changed that with just one pretty smile.

Now, all Taehyung wanted to do was trust Jungkook, love Jungkook. If it was up to Taehyung, he would bubblewrap Jungkook just to keep him protected.

Jungkook was so precious. He was soft and caring, but only for those he cared about. He wasn't innocent, God no. Well, Taehyung doesn't know about the bedroom innocence but in terms of killing and stuff, Jungkook was like a little devil.

He doesn't show mercy, just like Taehyung. Jungkook was fierce when he was pissed. Especially if someone threatened those he loved. Taehyung had watched Jungkook torture and kill a rogue just to get information out, but ofcourse, it was useless. The rogue didn't speak a word, mostly because it was under the control of witchcraft but Jungkook didn't know that.

Taehyung had been blessed with a firecracker of a mate. No doubt. Jungkook was a little ball of sunshine on a gloomy day but he was also a fierce hurricane when needed to be.

Jungkook was like a bag of surprises, making Taehyung fall even harder than he already did.

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