Godhood (Gods AU)

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High above the clouds of Cybertron was the sparkling city of Iacon. Home to many of the gods worshiped by the mortal mechs. Each god served a purpose; war, love, fertility, knowledge, the sciences, things like that. 

Yet the gods answered to a higher authority, a king god. 

Optimus Prime, God of Justice and Freedom. He had temples all across Cybertron, many would flock to them to pray and leave offerings in hopes of him answering their pleas. 

Said god was currently standing on the balcony outside his private resting chambers, his red and blue armor glinted in the moonlight. It was late, but he just could not fall asleep. A fine silken robe was draped across his frame, loosely tied around the waist. He looked down to the mortal world, Cybertron glowed like a polished jewel. Yellow and blue lights illuminating the world below his gaze. He leaned against the railing. 

He watched the mortals go about their business, they intrigued him. They have dreams, hopes, desires, goals. They create new buildings, tear down old ones. Solve problems yet make new ones. They have fights yet make peace. They are fickle little things, making so many decisions that to him seem like quick flicks of time but to them seem like decades. He has seen empires rise and fall, civilizations be lost to the sands of time. 

It all fascinated him. He was tasked with watching over them, care for them. And he has. 

Yet, he also was... 


It played on and on like a broken record, he has seen it all. Since the dawn of history itself. He has seen everything, knows the outcomes of certain decisions. The consequences of certain actions, who will live on in infamy or whose legacy will die on the vine. 

"You're brooding again." A voice interrupted his thoughts. Optimus turned to see the owner of that voice. 

"I can't help it." He responded. 

Another mech walked forth, he was shorter than Optimus, his armor white and red, his shoulders adorned with the symbol of healing. He stood next to him, and looked down at the mortals below. 

"You know it puts a cloud over your head." He said, wrapping his arm around Optimus'. He leaned his head on his fellow god's shoulder. 

Optimus looked at him and kissed his head gently, "You should be resting." He spoke softly. 

The other mech looked at him, "The berth was getting cold without you." 

Optimus smiled slightly, "You're a flirt, Ratchet." 

Ratchet, the God of Healing and Medicine could not help but smile, his other hand reaching up and touching Optimus' cheek gently. The other mech leaned into the touch. 

"But I will join you." He let himself be lead back to the berth. It was decorated with a canopy and looked soft and plush with blankets and pillows. Optimus laid down in it, letting the soft material envelop him, his body untensed itself. 

Ratchet laid next to him, "See?" 

Optimus nodded, "It is." His arm wrapped around his love's waist. 

Ratchet cuddled close, "What were you thinking about?" He asked. 

Optimus answered, "Our place here on this planet." 

Ratchet looked at him, "Elaborate." 

Optimus looked, "We have been here for centuries, watching the mortals evolve with time. To them, it seems like lifetimes, to us, it's mere days." 

His love looked at him, "We have a purpose, ours is to guide them and hear their prayers and leave whispers to our oracles and sibyls and prophets for them to decipher and deliver our messages." 

Optimus nodded, "I suppose you're right. But what is their purpose?" 

Ratchet answered, "To worship us." 

Optimus chuckled, "Careful, dearest, you're sounding too egotistical." 

Ratchet smirked, "You know I'm right." 

Optimus nodded, "You are, but it's best to keep it to yourself." 

The other god nodded, and kissed him goodnight. Optimus returned the kiss and dozed off. His mind at ease. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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