It's Gonna Be Okay

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This can't be happening. It can't be. Ratchet turned off the TV, he was shaking. He was scared. He walked to the bedroom, he saw his husband, Optimus, he saw the expression on his face, he sat up, and soon had him walk onto the bed. Ratchet buried his face in his chest, the worst is yet to come. This monster is coming. "What are we gonna do?" He whimpered, Optimus sighed, "Who knows?" He heard the stories, from Miko, from Emily, the time her school's hockey team started chanting about building a wall. How scared her friends are becoming because they'll persecuted for their sexualities. How nervous she is because her world is falling apart. Their world is. 

Ratchet was scared, "They let this... monster rise to the top." Optimus nodded, "We're all targets." He looked at their team, how Arcee was talking to Bee, how Magnus and Wheeljack were arguing and Bulkhead was trying to quell them. He saw the humans, Miko, and Emily, speaking about what's going to happen next. he sighed, and looked down at the medic. Ratchet's hands were shaking, they never happened. Optimus held them. 

"What can we do?" He sounded out. 

"Megatron's top priority still, but this is just as extreme. Building a wall, forcing innocents to wear a band to show who they are." Optimus was about to say something but heard Emily chime in, "It's what Hitler did." Ratchet asked, "Excuse me?"They looked at the girl, she was wearing a hoodie, her hair was on her shoulder. 

"Who was this Hitler?" He asked, Emily answered, "The leader of the Nazi party in the 1930s-1940s. He took power after the first world war and Germany was in economic turmoil, as they wasted a lot of their money on the war. He saw the Jewish population in Europe as a scapegoat and blamed them. For everything, and had them wear special armbands to show who they are, as their human rights were taken away. Eventually Hitler just killed them 6 million Jewish people gassed, starved, and burned to death. The rest were gypsy, homosexuals, disabled, and minorites. My ancestors were persecuted, they were gypsies." 

Optimus knelt down, "I'm sorry your ancestors faced that." She shrugged, "Eh, it's in the past. I'm more worried for the people of my home, as they are scared, including me, as I'm ace, and Mike Pence is against my people. First Orlando, now this, what can go wrong?" She walked off. 

Ratchet sighed, "What can we do?" Optimus looked at him, vigor was flaring in his eyes. "We'll help those in need. By showing them that they're not alone. Besides, we have to watch ourselves, the humans believe Ryan and Richard are people. And soon they'll have a little one." He rested his hand on Ratchet's stomach, Ratchet hugged him. 

"I hope so." He muttered. 

(Yes, I added myself in this. Whatever, it drove the plot. And I'm seriously nervous, as I have friends who are members of the LGBTQ+ community as am I. With Trump being elected and sworn in pretty soon, we're going to be in so much trouble, as we'll have WWIII on our hands. Just voicing my opinion, as people are getting scared. And I want to show you, we're not alone, even Optimus and Ratchet are scared.) 

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