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Ratchet was at the Well, his spark breaking, how could he? Optimus promised him he'll stay, he promised. Now he went ahead and broke it. He stayed silent, watching everyone bustle and hustle about, he still didn't leave the well. He just stood there, still as a statue. 

"He promised..." His voice faint, it cracked. He fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands, "He promised me he'll never leave and he did!" Tears began to fall. No one noticed, as the buildings surrounding the Well were huge, and bright. Making it seem like it was nothing more than an indentation in the planet's surface. His frame shuddered, racked with sobs. 

He felt something touch his shoulder, he didn't look. Thinking it was Bee or Magnus or even Wheeljack, the slagger. His thoughts changed when he heard an all to familiar voice. 


He looked up, and saw a mech, looking just like Optimus, same shape, face, voice, even his eyes looked the same. Ratchet shook his head, "I'm dreaming..." 

"If it was a dream, would you still feel my touch?" The mech asked. Ratchet replied, "Uh, no... Maybe... I mean." 

The mech smiled, it was him. Ratchet realized and threw his arms around his neck, tears of sadness becoming tears of joy. Optimus wrapped his arms around him, he hugged him. Ratchet looked at him, tears still rolling, "I saw you go into the Well! You had the AllSpark with you! You-" He was shushed by Optimus putting his hand on his cheek, his thumb wiping the tears away. 

"I'm here. That's all that matters." He said softly. 

Ratchet felt his hand go to his cheek, Optimus pulled him in for a deep kiss. He held him close. 

They stayed there for hours. 

(Ooh boy! Sorry folks! I had school, grades, and my chrome book taken away so I have to do this on my school laptop! And school's ending soon so I'll be off! Anyways, I'm gonna be begging my mom to let me have my chromebook back for the summer! Thanks for all the patience and reads and likes! -HMR) 

Optimus and Ratchet: Tale as old as TimeWhere stories live. Discover now