weapon safety needed

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"FREDDY!" Jon shouted as he got closer to the office building.
"Jon?" Freddy replied in a confused tone as he took a few steps into the blown up part of the building to see a very angry Jon.
"Where the fu*k is Bryan!?" Jon shouted getting closer to Freddy as Freddy backed up looking at the crow bar.
"I think you need to calm down.." Freddy said keeping his distance from Jon.
"I NEED TO CALM DOWN?! I JUST HEARD BRYANS SCREAMS ON A PHONE AND I NEED TO CALM DOWN?!" Jon screamed at Freddy. Freddy froze for a minute staring at Jon for ehat he just said.
"..his what..?" Freddy said in a low voice.
"I was texting him, molten was mad at him, and then suddenly he calls me and all I can hear is him screaming so tell me where the fu*k he is!" Jon said gripping his crowbar tighter.
"I just saw the both of them Bryan seemed fine.." Freddy replied staring at Jon in slight annoyance.
"Bull sh!t." Jon said.
"I mean you can check he's probably at the hotel or something, pretty sure he's fine though." Freddy said turning around and walking back into the building.
"God I'm having to run everywhere." Jon said turning around heading to the hotel.

"Bryan you can't just walk away after saying something like that." Molten said still following Bryan.
"Well that's all you need to know, why would I say more." Bryan said looking at Molten behind him while walking.
"Because it's a cliff hanger and something tells me you don't like those." Molten said in a sarcastic voice.
"What do you- AH!" and with that the brunet fell down the stairs.
"PFTTTTT- YOU ACTUALLY DIDNT SEE THAT COMING" Molten yelled in a mocking tone.
"..ouch." Bryan said halfway down the steps.
"Great now I gotta make sure you didn't kill yourself or something.." Molten said after the human didn't respond with q comeback.
"If I'm talking I'm obviously not dead.." Bryan said sitting up and leaning against the stairwell wall as Molten rounded a courner.
"You look like an idiot." Molten said staring at Bryan.
"Hey!!" Bryan replied.
"Whatever" Molten said looking at the humans head.
"If you got a head injury Jon's gonna kill me." Molten said before they heard yelling downstairs.

Jon started heading off to the hotel getting more and more worried by the minute. He did question whether Bryan could've been fine considering Freddy doubted that something happened once he heard the reasoning why Jon was worried but he wasn't going to take chances. Once he got inside the hotel he looked up hearing things moving round upstairs before hearing a series of loud THUNK sounds.
"PFTTTTT- YOU ACTUALLY DIDNT SEE THAT COMING" Said a robotic voice upstairs, Jon quickly started running to the stair case terrified of what and just fallen down those steps.

"Of course your bleeding." Molten said in a annoyed voice.
"Whatever, come on now we gotta go to the hos- ACK!" Molten said before someone came up from behind and slammed him against the wall by hitting his head. Bryan hurriedly tried standing up but just fell back down again after feeling light headed. Bryan looked up and his eyes widened in shock as he saw who was currently hitting the animatronic.
"JON STOP!" Bryan said once again standing up leaning against the wall. Jon turned around in surprise that Bryan was telling him to stop after what he had heard.
"What are you doing?!" Bryan shouted stumbling over to Jon and grabbing his shoulder turning him around. Molten then backed up and went farther up on the steps figuring Jon wasn't going to do something to Bryan though it wouldn't be the same case for himself.
"I heard you on the phone screaming what do you mean?!" Jon yelled looking at Bryan and then over at Molten while still gripping his crowbar.
"What are you even- you know what we can talk about this later I'm lucky we had extra parts because now I gotta repair him again.." Bryan said looking away from Jon and walking back up the stairs to see where Molten got to before he most likely powered off. Jon just stared up the steps in confusion trying to figure out what had happened and why Bryan would be mad at him when Molten was the one who just hurt him.

Once Bryan reached the top of the steps  he saw Molten sitting next to a vent looking like he was trying to get inside.
"And you said I looked like the idiot." Bryan said walking over grabing a wrentch from his pocket. Bryan grabbed a small piece of metal from his pocket that was left over from the repairs and used a book and table leg from one of the nearby tables to make a metal cover for the wire that got cut as Jon slowly peaked out from the steps. Once Bryan finished the circular shape he wrapped it around all of the broken wires and hit the piece until it pinched together on both sides holding all the wires together.
"Glad that wasn't to bad I guess.." Bryan said Turing around and them staring at the steps where Jon was standing.
"Why did you do this?" Bryan asked in a confused voice walking up to Jon.
"Why did you call me screaming earlier?!" Jon replied staring at Bryan as he walked closer.
"What are you talking about?!"
"I don't know you where the one who called me!!" Jon shouted.
"I didn't call YOU!"
"FINE BE THAT WAY THEN!" Jon shouted turning around and going down the steps.
"YOU CANT JUST LEAVE AFTER THAT!" Bryan shouted walking down the steps but being careful not to fall again.
"HEY WAIT UP!" Bryan shouted looking at Jon already at the bottom of the steps walking away.
"YOU CALLED ME SCREAMING AND SHOUTING BEFORE GOING SILENT AND NOW YOU WANNA ACT OBLIVIOUS TO IT AND YOU EXPECT ME TO STAY?!" Jon shouted stopping at the exit of the hotel but not quite turning around.
"When did I do that?!" Bryan replied standing behind Jon.
"Right now!" Jon said turning around quickly in anger.

Jon looked in confusion when he saw Bryan wasn't there and looked to his side when he realized his crowbar wasn't in his hand.

And then he looked down..

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