the Car Ride

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As the car drove on an awkward yet comforting silence filled the atmosphere. There were many words that Jon wanted to say to Bryan, some being apologies, some being about what's happened in the month that's past, and others being jokes and lighthearted conversations that Jon missed having with Bryan. Even with all the words flying around in Jon's mind, he still couldn't speak to the brunette. Anxiety filled Jon as the silence continued, but at the same time, it was oddly comforting, knowing he didn't need to fix everything right away. Jon didn't have much time to fix things right now anyways, he was too focused on trying to make it to the corporate office in time for the meeting before Davis' stalling tactics gave out. 

Bryan, on the other hand, looked out the window at the trees as they passed by. Everything seemed so real but so odd at the same time. He recognized the roads, but yet they were unfamiliar. He recognized the man in the car with him, yet the memories that tied with the green-haired man were uncertain. He remembered laughing and screaming with the wirey bear from before. He remembered arguing with Jon and feeling something hard hit him, but he wasn't quite sure what. Whatever it was that hit him must have left a mark, his insides were throbbing almost like they were dying. The brunette looked down at his hands, and for a moment, he could've sworn he saw a purple spark similar to that of a flame.

Davis had no fu*king clue what the he** was going on, but hey, that's working at Freddy Fazbears Corporation for you. Someone goes missing, suddenly comes back, and now you're stuck purposefully causing debates in an office full of business owners and stockholders so your friend and said missing person doesn't get yelled at for being late to a conference that was called last minute over some random CFO. What happened to the old CFO that made it so we needed a new one, you may ask? Who knows, Molten probably had something to do with it however with his habit of killing random people over company matters. Davis shuddered at the thought of the wired animatronic that had previously kidnapped and tortured him. He never understood why Bryan chose to be around someone like him. He could understand Jon since Molten was beneficial when it came to making sure people wouldn't talk, but Bryan had no motive. Davis wasn't entirely sure what happened to Bryan when Springtraps plans went down, but he knew Bryan had PTSD from whatever went down between him and Molten during Springtraps "game". The way Bryan slowly pushed that aside and befriended the animatronic confused him, but so did most actions the brunette made. The way Bryan forgave an animatronic like Molten yet still held a grudge about Davis kidnapping him once or twice would always bewilder him. Davis got snapped out of his train of thought when he noticed the political debate died down in the office and left to get red and blue cups to subconsciously spark the fight once more.

"Google says there's 29 minutes left until we get to the office," said Bryan. Jon cussed under his breath due to the time left on the drive. "It also says you're driving 89 mph on a 60mph road," Bryan said with a sarcastically judgemental tone.
"We need to hurry if we want to get to the meeting in time" Jon replied.
"All I'm saying is that if we crash, I'm suing you," Bryan said with a laugh. Jon smiled, he missed Bryan's lighthearted bickering, even if it was annoying at times. Bryan leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes for a moment before taking a sharp breath.
"Are you okay?" Asked Jon. Bryan hesitated for a moment before responding with a yes. "Are you sure?" There was silence.
"I'm fine" replied Bryan. Jon wasn't convinced but wanted to wait until after the meeting to push further.
"What was it like in the portal?" Asked Jon. Jon noticed Bryan slightly shudder at the mention of the portal. Jon knew Bryan started to dislike the portal after everything that's been caused by it but to see Bryan shudder like that, it reminded Jon on how Bryan would react to the mentions of Spring Trap or Molten after what happened to Bryan's first pizzeria.
"Bad enough that I never want to set foot into that portal room again unless it's to turn that stupid thing off," responded Bryan. Once Bryan said that Jon knew something happened in the portal, something not very pleasant, and possibly the cause of Bryan's obvious flinching earlier. Jon wanted to push and figure it out, but that would take time. Bryan was never the best at admitting something was wrong or that he needed help, as shown by the countless months of pleading it took for him to finally accept going to therapy, and when then the animatromics had to practically force him to go. Jon never understood why Bryan was like that, even in college he never admitted when he needed something, like when he got badly hung over and refused to stay home and Jon had to skip class and practically fight Bryan all the way back into the dorm rooms and force him into bed. Or when Bryan must have gotten into a fight of some sort at a party and was bleeding everywhere but still insisted he was fine and didn't need help, seeming more scared of accepting help then the bleeding scratch on his upper arm. Bryan was an overly dramatic doofus, you'd think he'd want help for simple tasks that he should be able to do himself, though technically he did do that once during the Christmas meeting. Jon smiled at the memory of Bryan practically begging Jon to come with him due to not wanting to go alone. Jon continued to wonder what could've happened inside of the portal, and why Bryan never asks for help for the rest of the drive with Bryan looking out the window occasionally obnoxiously singing along with the music on the radio.

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