meet Freddy who is not a doctor

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"You really shouldn't have left the hospital Bryan," Jon said with his hands on the steering wheel. Bryan was leaning back in his seat with his eyes closed visibly in pain.
"I'll be fine," Bryan responded through gritted teeth. Jon rolled his eyes while turning left onto a highway.
"You don't look fine," Jon said with annoyance and concern.
"Woww I look fantastic thank you very much," Bryan responded with a laugh. Jon scoffed with a smile at the comment.
"Ah yes because nothing says fantastic like a torn apart jacket and ripped jeans from a car accident," Jon responded while shaking his head.
"It's called style Jon, not that you would know, looking like a clown over there" Bryan responded.
"Your lucky you just got out of the hospital otherwise I would slap that sassy grin off your face," Jon said jokingly.
"Oh I know," Bryan said with a grin. The two buisness owners laughed as the car drove on until they reached their destination.

Molten was pacing the hospital room where Bryan was supposed to be staying before Jon took him. He didn't know what to think anymore. Bryan always seemed so oblivious and innocent to the horrors that occurred in the company; how could Bryan not know everything that had happened here when he was first hired if he knew Valerie. Valerie never hired new employees unless it was related to the companies stock of supplies, so if she hired Bryan, it had to be for a good reason. He needed to figure out what Bryan and Valerie talked about in their conversation but the only way he could figure that out was by asking Bryan, who was currently recovering from being ran over. Molten didn't have the patience to wait until Bryan got back so he did the next best thing; he started calling the other people who went to the party.

Lefty and Freddy finally arrived at the hotel and stepped inside. Lefty relaxed slightly feeling the paranoia he gained from being outside slowly fade away. Freddy kept walking ahead and grabbed a pack of markers from a table as he walked past and threw them at Lefty.
"Jeez Fred! Give a guy a warning will you, that hit me in my eye socket!" Lefty said while struggling to catch the markers as they bounced off his face. Freddy laughed as Lefty pouted following close behind him as he walked into the hospitals waiting room. Lefty noticed what appeared to be Molten slither up into the vents out of the corner of his eye and felt a wave of sadness wash over him. He could hear Molten talking to someone which was probably why he left but still, he couldn't help but feel like Molten was abandoning him. Freddy noticed something was off about Lefty and pulled the poster from Lefty's laugh house out from the chamber used to store cakes or dead children and held it our for Lefty to take. Lefty's eye lit up as he snached the poster and plopped down onto the floor and began to open his pack of markers. Freddy stared confused at Lefty before going back to the computer, he learned long ago not to question Lefty, for every answer would just spark more questions. He powered on the computer and began looking at a file titled "idiot" knowing that's probably what Molten named it. Freddy opened the word documents that had all of the results typed out and realized that he wasn't a doctor and didn't know how to read any of it due to not being a doctor.

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