Mental breakdown

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This fanfic still does not have any ships in it, all interactions between the characters are meant in a friendly way. If you want to see it as a ship that is fine just be aware that's not how the writing was intended.

Jon stood still staring at the person sitting up on the bed. He didn't move, he didn't know if he should stay or leave if he should talk to him or stay silent. His mind filled with decisions to make, about what actions he should do. His best friend was sitting up on the bed in front of him after going through who knows what and he should be there for him but, the person in front of him is the same person he sliced with a crowbar. Guilt came along with every thought he had. It was Bryan's fault for running to the portal room but, it was Jon's fault for scaring him off to go over there. Jon wanted to move, he wanted to be there for his friend but the guilt had him frozen, stuck as a stuttering stiff mess. Bryan looked at Jon confused at first before an expression of sadness washed over his face like he just remembered a horrible memory. Molten took a step back gesturing for Jon to walk over but Jon stood still frozen in place. After what seemed like an eternity Bryan stood up and walked over to Jon. Jon watched as he walked over with thoughts flooding into his mind quicker and quicker the closer he came before Bryan was standing right in front of him. The two stared at each other for a moment before Bryan slapped Jon across the face and then pulled him into a hug.
"And you call me the dumb one..." Bryan said while hugging Jon. Jon seemed to break down at that point, repeatedly saying how sorry he was as his eyes filled with tears. Molten took that as his queue to leave and quickly jumped into the vents and disappeared.  The two slowly sat on the ground still hugging each other as Jon was crying and Bryan was comforting him. Bryan didn't know what exactly to say, he wanted to say it was OK but it wasn't and Jon would be able to tell if Bryan lied about it.
"Hey, I'm back now so you don't need to be upset about it anymore, as long as you don't do that again it should be fine." Bryan said trying to calm him down. It seemed to work a little bit since Jon's breath seemed to slow down and he wasn't as tensed up. Bryan stayed silent for a while after that, Jon wasn't the type of person to cry in front of other people and Bryan wasn't very good at comforting others so the whole situation was a little out of their comfort zones. The two just stayed on the floor hugging each other.

Davis stood outside the Fazbear Entertainment tower looking back from his watch to the road ahead of him. He texted Jon last night so he didn't understand why he was taking so long, Jon usually comes to meetings half an hour beforehand to get paperwork ready yet here he was not seeing Jon anywhere with a meeting about to start in 6 minutes. Eventually, Davis didn't care about how pushy he seemed and pulled out his phone to call Jon, the first few times Jon didn't pick up which made Davis concerned but when Davis called a third time he heard someone on the other end pick up the phone. Davis was about to ask Jon where he was before he heard quiet sobbing on the other end.
"What... Jon are you ok?" Davis asked getting more and more concerned by the minute.
"Heyyy Davis..." Said another tired voice on the other side of the phone. Davis froze for a second, the voice on the other end wasn't Jons but it was a familiar voice.
"Bryan...?" Davis asked, Davis, heard Bryan went missing for a while so hearing his voice and Jon's sobs on the phone was starting to scare him.
"So how's it going?" Bryan asked. Davis scoffed slightly under his breath.
"What's going on over there and where are you guys?" Davis asked.
"Um, honestly I don't really know what just happened I just woke up... but we're at the theme park."
"What do you mean you just woke up? "
"I mean I woke up in the hospital bed Jon walked in and started crying because of something that happened." Davis was starting to get annoyed and filled with worry at this point. Just as Davis was about to speak he heard Jon on the other end ask Bryan who was on the phone, Davis listened in as Bryan explained what was going on. Davis didn't really know what to do, hearing Jon crying and Bryan be somewhat logical when trying to calm him down was something he didn't see very often.
"Oh sh!t.. what time is it?" Davis heard Jon ask in a slightly louder voice. Once Bryan replied Davis could hear Jon cursing under his breath.
"Look ill try to stall as long as I can't but I recommend you start heading over now." Davis said. The other end of the phone stayed silent for a moment before he heard Jon's voice say,
"Okay, I'll see you in a bit." Before the phone call ended. Davis then walked inside the building preparing himself for the amount of social interaction he'd have to do to give Jon enough time.

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