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Freddy quickly powered on when his sensors detected movement above him and looked up. Above him was what looked like the back of Molten sliding through the vents, most likely to travel somewhere else in the hotel. Freddy didn't understand why Molten didn't just walk out the front door but decided not to question it too much, after all, he most likely would never get an answer to his question. Freddy stood up and looked behind him to see Bryan still on the bed in the same position as before. A small smile appeared on his face for a moment before fading back into his usual frown. He was glad to have Bryan back but at the same time, he knew not to get his hopes up. Who knows what could've happened inside the portal after all this time, for all he knew Bryan could have an entirely different personality now with how unstable he was when he went in. Freddy walked out of the hospital room glaring at Jon as he walked out of the hotel. As angry as he was he knew Molten had to be somewhere nearby and there was no way he could take him in a fight, especially with how low his battery was at the moment. Freddy continued walking until he exited the hotel and proceeded to head to a nearby charging station.

Molten was climbing through the vents trying to find his way over to Bryan's room. Usually, this would be easy however Molten wasn't used to having to use the hospital's ventilation shafts so there was some confusion when it came to directions. Once Molten reached a familiar part of the vents the rest of the way was easy to find and soon he arrived at Bryan's hotel room. Once Molten jumped down he started looking around for something, pulling up bed covers and searching through drawers until he found what he was looking for, Bryan's phone. He figured since it had been so long there was probably going to be a lot of messages with important information on it and if Bryan was back now it would be a good idea to check everything and start getting things up and running. The phone was dead so Molten walked to a nearby outlet to plug it in. Once plugged in the phone turned on just fine with only one issue. Bryan's phone had a password. Molten sat down on the bed next to the outlet still holding the phone trying to think of what Bryan's password was. Bryan didn't seem like the kind of person to have a secure password so it should be easy enough to guess, thought Molten. Molten looked around for a moment before typing in Bryan's birthday.
"Of course that worked..." Molten said with a slight laugh. Suddenly the sound of notifications started filling the room drowning out the noise of the birds outside and any other noise that could have been heard. Molten stared at the phone unamused as he put the phone on silent to end the constant ringing traveling through the room. Molten then went to see what all the notifications were from and mostly saw just social media apps. Once Molten went through and got rid of all those notifications he started looking at everything that seemed to have some sort of importance. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary other than a recent email from Fazbear Entertainment Headquarters. It appeared as though tomorrow there would be a meeting to discuss a new CFO coming into the company named Valerie. Molten's expression dropped once he read the name. He recognized that name from when he was working under springtrap, if she had come back into the company it definitely wouldn't lead to anything good. Molten stared at the email for a little more before turning off the phone. He could go through the rest of Bryan's messages later, right now he needed to check up on Bryan considering how long it took him to sort through all of the notifications on his phone. He decided to just take the stairs this time to avoid confusion with the vents. Once he reached the room outside the private hospital beds he saw Jon typing on a computer.
"What are you doing here still?" Molten asked looking at Jon. Jon looked up from his computer and put it to the side after seeing who it was that spoke.
"Im staying to make sure Bryan's okay." Jon replied. Jon and Molten held eye contact both with a hateful glare before Molten turned around and walked into the room Bryan was sleeping in. Molten noticed that Freddy must have left considering there wasn't a body at the end of the bed anymore and considered that a good thing. He sat on his knees next to the bed being barely tall enough to still look over Bryan. He sat there for a while thinking and trying to process the day's events. He blamed himself for letting Jon beat him up, for not being there to stop him from doing the same to Bryan, and for not getting Bryan out of the portal sooner. He didn't even know if this was the Bryan that was friends with everyone here anymore. He knew it wasn't that red-eyed freak but who knows what that portal did to him. His mind filled with these thoughts as he kept looking down at the business owner until he saw the blankets move slightly. Molten jumped up confused and looked at the nearby monitors trying to figure out what was happening. Suddenly he looked down at the brunette's face and saw an eye open.

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