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Note for this chapter: there are no ships in this chapter, Everything is entirely platonic

Jon got in his car and began driving to the themepark. Memories of his last drive to the location filled his mind as he was driving behind the wheel. Behind teary eyes he continued driving trying to keep calm to avoid a break down on the highway. He knew that if molten had actually found out anything Jon would've already been told but he was in denial, surely there was something they could do to fix what had happened. He just had to figure out what exactly it was that they needed.

Twisted Bonnie was running around the theme park looking for Bryan, however he wasn't getting very far. Every time he would come up with a possibility of how he could learn more on the situation he would always become distracted with something else and be steered off course. First it was the water looking pretty in chicas love tunnel, then it was the other twisted wanting to hand out, then it was that weird noise by leftys place etc.
"Ouch!!" Bonnie yelled while looking up. Once again he had become distracted, this time from running into a certain animatronic...

Months earlier...
Molten stood in front of the portal room door thinking of the events that occurred. He did all he could to try and figure out what had happened and he couldn't find anything. There was nothing else he could do to bring Bryan back. Yet he stood in front of the door not daring to open it. He looked down at his hand near the handle of the door and saw it slightly shaking. He rested his head on the door for a brief moment closing his metal eyes, thinking. He felt like it was his fault. He could've stopped Jon he was much stronger then him. Even now he was letting Jon walk through the park alone. Why? Just because he was sad he practically killed his friend doesn't mean he wont hurt anyone else, but why did he even hurt Bryan in the first place? Why did Jon even come here in the first place? Molten started to fill his mind with these thoughts trying to convince himself that they where the thoughts that where uncontrollably entering his mind, these thoughts made more sense to have, he could understand them more, more then the thought he was trying to drown out. Eventually however it grew louder just as any pushed down thought does, louder then he could drown out with any other thought on the topic.
"...why do I care..?"

Current time
Molten was standing outside one of the "history of fazzbear entertainment" buildings in the area of the park built near the portal room looking at the spring suits behind the glass window. Trying to figure out how Bryan even managed to get the suits considering they stopped being mass produced once the Rockstar animatroncis where built. Eventually he just summed it up to either bidding for it in a auction or having one custom made, not like it would mean much. In the end the park most likely wouldn't where open again do no one would ever see it anyway. Molten walked out of the building and started walking back to the main section as he passed the portal room. He paused once he passed by and turned to look over to the doors. Almost like he expected someone to run through the doors, excited after playing a round of minigames even though he knew he shouldn't have gone through the portal. Then Molten would yell at him and walk away with some form of a snarky comment as the business owner gave him a hateful stare from behind. After a few moments Molten turned back around and finished walking back into the park, as if he just now convinced himself he wouldn't be coming back yet. He walked out not entirely certain what to do now that there wasn't anything really for him to do. He decided to just continue walking around the park. Eventually he entered Leftys area when Molten realized it had been a while since he had last visited Lefty. He stood for a moment deciding if he should go visit him or not when suddenly someone ran into him from behind.
"Ouch!!" Someone said from behind.

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