Blood tests

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Jon and Molten walked silently down the hall. Jon's mind filled with worry about what Molten could have to say that the others couldn't hear. Eventually, Molten stopped and turned around to face Jon before asking,
"Do they know about what happened?".
"Most likely, Freddy tried killing me while you were in that room before the fox calmed him down," Jon replied.
"Well then I guess one of the two things I'm about to say could've been said over there, but it doesn't really matter I guess."
"Two things?"
"Well, one of them is about his blood work, and the other is about that and a scar he has. I think we both know where that came from though." Molten said in a sarcastic voice. Jon slightly tensed up with Molten bringing up the accident but he knew it would have to be mentioned from time to time.
"How does the scar affect his blood work?" Jon asked trying to slightly change the course of the conversation.
"The scar is fully healed-" Molten started to say before Jon interrupted.
"How is that a bad thing?"
"Jon... it's only been a month, for that to heal it would take 8." Molten said. Jon stared at Molten for a bit trying to make sense of what he had just said.
" this Bryan... has been gone for 8 months..." Jon said slowly, still trying to understand what Molten was saying.
"Yes" Molten replied.
" is he not our Bryan?" Jon asked.
"I don't know yet, times between dimensions can move at different speeds and change time to time." Molten answered with a shrug.
"Only way we can know for sure is if we wait till he gets up and we ask him things that only he would know." Molten said. Jon looked up from the floor and asked
"and what was the 2nd thing you needed to tell me?". Molten stayed silent for a moment trying to figure out how to word his next sentence.
"Humans... don't really go into portals, or at least I haven't met another human that's gone through one other than Bryan. Without someone else to compare him to, we can't really know if how it affects him is normal or not."
"In Bryan's blood work there was around 60% of some sort of substance that isn't normal, once I looked at it more I realized it's the substance you get from the void of the portal when you go to somewhere that doesn't really exist." Molten said. Jons's eyes widened, he knew Bryan going through the portal wasn't a good idea but for it to have that effect on him wasn't something he thought could even happen.
"Is he ok?" Jon asked worriedly.
"I don't know, if this is our Bryan then I don't even know how he lived this long." Molten replied looking up down the hall. Foxy had been walking their way without Freddy behind him. As Foxy passed he glared at Jon until he was out of sight, sending a wave of guilt through Jon.
"I'm going to go make sure they didn't do anything stupid." Molten took a few steps and then paused and slightly turned his head.
"Don't hurt any more of the people here, if you do I don't think you'll you'll last long enough for me to get to you." Molten said with a cold voice. Jon stood still watched as Molten continued to walk to the hospital room.
"...God they really hate me don't they?" Jon muttered to himself. Suddenly he heard a ding noise from his pocket that he kept his phone in. He proceeded to take his phone out to see what it was about. It was a text from Davis.

"Heads up we got a meeting tomorrow at xx:xx, Kat won't be informed of it so she wouldn't be able to tell you about it." - Davis at xx:xx

Jon looked at the phone and laughed slightly at how Davis thought Jon wouldn't know Kat wouldn't be there. After all, he was the one who signed off on giving her a week off. He began typing his reply.

"whats the meeting about?" - Jon at xx:xx

"There's a new CFO, apparently she was in the company beforehand or something, everyone with a higher position is supposed to show up to hear about some 'big changes'" - Davis at xx:xx

Jon stared down at his phone for a moment. 'Big changes' didn't sound like a good thing.

"What's her name?" - Jon at xx:xx

"Valerie I think" - Davis at xx:xx

Jon thought about the name for a moment.
'That does sound familiar...' Jon picked up his phone again before texting.
"I gtg bye Davis" Once the message was sent another notification went off that he didn't even bother checking, figuring it was just Davis saying farewell in response. Jon put his phone back into his pocket before he started questioning what he should do. He knew he should go try to find as much information about this 'Valerie' person as he could but at the same time, he didn't want to leave Bryan. After standing for a couple of minutes he came up with an idea. He quickly walked back to his car and grabbed his laptop out of the backseat and then walked back to the hotel. He would work out in the waiting rooms in case something happened with Bryan but he could still be productive and learn more about the new CFO. Once Jon sat down he began typing on his keyboard looking through every trustworthy file he could find.

Molten walked back into the hospital room and closed the door behind him closing his eyes for a moment to process everything that had happened in the last few hours. Once he opened his eyes he looked down to see Freddy powered off near the end of the bed Bryan was on. Molten scoffed at the sight, it wasn't the fact that Freddy was staying near Bryan that ticked him off, it was the fact now Molten had to deal with him for God knows how long. Lucky for him however Freddy was powered off at the moment so he just had to be careful not to walk in front of him and he wouldn't need to worry about him turning on. He walked over to Bryan for a moment and looked down at him. He turned his head slightly so his head was facing the same direction as his to try and look at him the way he would if Bryan were up and walking around, nothing appeared to look very different at first glance but he was convinced there was something that had to be different about him. In the end, he knew if he did end up waking up Jon would know right away if it was Bryan or not like he did when evil Bryan took over for a couple of months somehow. Molten found the memory quite hilarious looking back, especially everyone's reactions to him being back. He slightly smiled at the memory, but his smile quickly faded. Knowing that there most likely wouldn't be any more memories like that.

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