Arriving back home

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      Bryan stubbled forward into the office, his hair shining under the light that was seeping through the walls in the destroyed office building.

"So, where are we going?" asked Jon suspiciously. Bryan forced himself to stand without the aid of the wall he was previously up against.

"The hotel," Bryan replied, wincing from the pain shooting through him. Jon walked forward closer to his friend.

"Do you need help?" Jon asked eyeing the brunette. Bryan turned his head.

"No," Bryan replied as stubborn as ever. Jon rolled his eyes and followed closely behind Bryan. Bryan walked forward one step at a time, his pace slowed.

"You're not going to make it Bryan," Jon said with a tone filled with both concern and annoyance. Bryan rolled his eyes as he made his way towards lefty's section.

"Yes I will, I've walked further with worse injuries," Bryan replied.

"I doubt that,"

"I mean, I managed to go through a knock off saw movie with a stab wound so-" Bryan trailed off, the joke that he meant to lighten the atmosphere with failing horribly. Jon was unaware of the emotions currently coursing through his injured friend and laughed at the joke, making Bryan slightly smile, to the best of his ability at least. The two friends pushed forward until they reached the front door of the hotel, Bryan frowned as he looked at the main entryway. Jon felt a stab of guilt as the two remembered the accident that had previously occurred.

"I'm sorry," Jon muttered as the two walked to the main stair way. Bryan stayed silent for a moment before responding.

"I know," Bryan said darkly before slowly forcing himself up the spiral staircase. "Jesus- if I ever design another location remind me to add an elevator," Bryan complained earning a laugh from Jon. The two wandered down the right hallway and to the door of Bryan's room. Jon tilted his head slightly and tensed up; seeing the door was slightly opened Jon slowly peered inside of the room, his arm held slightly farther up defensively, ready to force Bryan back if necessary. Jon saw a tall figure look towards them in the dark room, his heart racing. Bryan walked right around Jon, Jon opened his mouth about to voice a complaint before Bryan flicked on the light to the room.

"Hey Molten," Bryan said with a tired voice. Jon felt his fear fade away as confusion took its place. Bryan looked over towards Jon, seeing the confusion on the green haired mans face he decided to elaborate.

"It had Moltens eyes," Bryan said before turning to walk over to the couch that sat in the room. Jon nodded, still a bit confused as to how Bryan could know Moltens eyes that distinctly.

"Why are you here," Molten asked Bryan as cold as ever.

"Because I own the place," Bryan said.

"Thats not what I meant," Molten replied sounding annoyed.

"I know," Bryan said cockily. Molten rolled his eyes and plopped down on the floor next to Bryan. Jon stood awkwardly in the doorway; he couldn't help but feel out of place. Being around Molten always caused a bit of an uneasy feeling but, add that with the guilt he had whenever he saw Bryan and it became overbearing. He didn't know how Molten did it; after everything the animatronic had done to Bryan over the years he seemed to have no problem with being around the business owner, and more confusing still Bryan didn't seem to have a problem with it either. Jon shook himself out of his train of thought and looked over to the two over by the couch, bickering with each other as if nothing had happened. Jon took a step back and walked out of the room, he felt bad for leaving them unannounced, but he couldn't breathe in that room with them both together.

"You're delusional," Molten said vindictively earning a glare from the business owner that sat next to him. Despite the foot added onto Bryans height when he sat onto the couch Molten still had to look down to look at Bryan when he was on the floor, making the murderous glare look more like an angry chihuahua. 

"I am not delusional!" Bryan retorted, crossing his arms. Molten laughed at the business owner's stupidity.

"You're obviously wrong," Molten said standing up. Bryan glared at the wirey animatronic and attempted to stand up as well before he was pushed back down. "Stay," Molten said, his voice dropping into a more serious tone. "It's already bad enough Jon let you leave the hospital early, I don't need you passing out in the middle of the park," Molten said. Bryan leaned back in his seat as he rolled his eyes.

"I won't pass out in the park," Bryan said sounding annoyed. He knew it was no use trying to fight with Molten, he wouldn't be able to win especially in this condition but, Molten couldn't watch him forever. Once Molten inevitably left he'd get up to get his work done. Molten tilted his head and stared at Bryan.

"You're not very good at hiding when you're planning something y'know that?" Molten asked rhetorically. 

"What? Yes I am!" Bryan replied defensively. Molten raised a wire positioned above his eye, appearing as though he was raising an eyebrow. Molten scoffed and took a step back, not yet leaving the room.

"And you're a terrible liar," Molten continued, slightly laughing as he successfully got a rise from the business owner in front of him. Molten slowly climbed up and out of the room through the vents in the ceiling as Bryan continued voicing his complaints, yelling after the wirey animatronic that had now exited his room.

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