The Meeting

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Once Jon and Byran arrived at the Freddy Fazbears Franchise headquarters the two business owners stepped out of the car and began making their way to the front doors of the building.
"So what's this whole meeting about?" Asked Bryan while closing the car door.
"A new CFO has been appointed and there's going to be some big meeting and party because of it apparently" responded Jon.
"All that just for a new CFO?" Bryan responded.
"I know it's weird, I'm not sure why she's so important, but I'm sure we'll find out soon," said Jon as he opened the front doors to the building. Jon walked over to the stairway that would take them up to the meeting rooms with Bryan following closely behind when they began to hear shouting and screaming up above. Jon ran up the steps with one hand hovering over the gun in his pocket while Bryan attempted to do the same before realizing he must have lost his gun in the portal. When they got to the top of the stairs they saw old men fighting over what seemed to be cups placed on the refreshments table with Davis slightly chuckling in the corner while talking to Kat. Kat was the CEO's assistant and Jon usually told her to sit out on meetings like this since they're typically boring and a waste of time, but the fighting must have heard the chaos taking place on the rest of the floor. Jon and Bryan slowly slipped around the fighting to where Davis and Kat were sitting in the corner of the room.
"I'm assuming this is all your doing Davis?" Jon asked. Davis looked up at Jon with a maniacal smile.
"My methods of stalling seem to have proven successful," Davis said before looking behind Jon to see Bryan. "You really are back," Davis said.
"I wasn't gone too long was I?" Asked Bryan.
"No, but I heard about what happened, figured you were gone for good," responded Davis. Kat and Bryan both looked confused, Kat completely unaware of the situation at hand and Bryan still not fully sure of what happened before he fell into the portal.
"I'm going to try and see if I can break that mess up you three have fun," Kat said slightly annoyed with being left out of the loop.
"So, do any of you guys have a clue as to what's so important about this woman? Davis asked.
"I mean she's Jon's assistant-" Bryan began to say before being cut off by Davis.
"I meant the CFO not Kat, Kat is amazing of course she's important," Davis responded.
"No clue, but I have a feeling we'll find out soon" Jon responded looking back at Kat defusing the fight rather quickly.
"I don't even know her name," said Bryan.
"Valerie I think, not too sure about the last name," Jon responded still looking back. Bryan froze for a moment looking tense.
"Do you know her?" Asked Davis.
"She's-" Bryan was about to say before Kat fully defused the fight and Jon called them to come sit down in their chairs. The meeting room wasn't made for this many people so they had to put up extra chairs and have some people stand in the doorway to fit everyone in. Kat left to go do paperwork as Jon sat at one end of the long table with Davis and Bryan sitting against the wall in the extra chairs brought in while the others filed in after. Some of Jon's other friends called Micheal and Dylan sat near Jon as well with Micheal being next to Davis and Dylan next to Bryan. The stockholders seemed to fill up the rest of the seats at the table refusing to sit at the sidelines while the chair on the opposite end of Jon remained open for the new CFO.
"Hey, where's my idea guy?" Asked Jon looking around for him.
"Valerie fired him, said he was a waste of money" one of the stockholders replied. Jon put on a pouty face.
"Aw, I liked having him around, shooting down his ideas was fun" Jon responded. Davis chuckled at that response while Micheal and Bryan seemed to roll their eyes. Dylan was staring at Bryan with a confused face for quite some time for some reason not focusing on what Jon had said. Bryan noticed the staring but figured it might have been someone who noticed his absence the past few months and decided against talking with him, he didn't want to get stuck in a conversation with the guy.
Soon the CFO walked in and sat down in her chair while setting down some papers that must have been information she was going to talk about during the meeting. Jon layed back in his chair dreading how long this meeting was going to last. Once the CFO looked up she seemed to go pale looking at the end of the room before quickly regaining her composure and continuing the meeting. Davis looked to the side of him and saw both Bryan and Dylan had the same pale and shocked expressions. When he looked to the other side of him, he saw Micheal with a look of hatred.
Davis tried paying attention to the meeting but he couldn't stop questioning why Dylan, Micheal, and Bryan all seemed to react to Valerie. He looked back over at Bryan and Dylan. Bryan seemed to be calmer now, not entirely paying attention to the meeting but not as shocked as before, the Dylan fellow on the other hand, had an expression of pure terror and confusion. He saw Dylan's hands shaking and looked down to see what must have been purple paint on his skin, Davis wasn't sure why someone would paint their hands purple but he had a best friend who enjoyed dressing like a clown daily so who was he to judge. Soon the meeting ended and everyone figured out that Valerie had been one of the first workers under the franchise when it started up and was the reason why it was so financially stable which was why she was so important.
Soon everyone started filing out of the room to go to the welcome back party that took place after the meeting. Dylan and some brown-haired friend of his seemed to be laughing while eating some weird cookies and some other random person went near the punch bowl before quickly running away. Bryan tried the punch but it had a strange spice behind it so he didn't drink very much of it. Jon and Davis seemed to be laughing and joking around in an unusual manner which Bryan didn't quite understand but decided not to question it. He took a step back to go and look for someone else he may know but bumped into someone who seemed to drop their papers.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry I didn't know you were behind me," Bryan said while kneeling to pick up the papers. Bryan stood back up and handed them back to the person he bumped into to see Valerie in front of him.
"You're still quite clumsy I see Bryan" responded Valerie. "I didn't expect to see you here, you haven't shown up to any business-related events for quite some time now," Valerie said in a slightly annoyed tone.
"There was a... medical emergency of sorts," Bryan responded, trying not to raise suspicion.
"Ah yes, you seem to have had quite a few of those in your time working here."
"Yeah, wasn't quite expecting this job to be so accident-prone when I got it"
"You didn't do any research about the history of the company?"
"Well no, when you gave me the offer I was more focused on a fresh start rather than the history of the company."

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