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Freddy opened the front door of the hotel and walked in, letting the door close by itself behind him. Freddy began making his way through the hotel's hallways in the direction of the hospital rooms, specifically the room farthest from the entrance that held Bryan. As he neared the room, he could hear Molten cursing Jon. Freddy soon reached the hospital room and slightly opened the door.
"What did Jon do?" Asked Freddy with a tone filled with hatred. His eyes drifted to Bryan's bed only to notice Bryan wasn't there. Fear filled the brown bear.
"Jon took Bryan to some stupid company meeting once he woke up when he should've stayed here for observations," Molten said in an angry tone. Freddy's expression turned to shock as he processed Molten's words. Bryan was awake and alive.
"Was something wrong with Bryan before he woke up?" Freddy asked once he got over the initial shock of Bryan being awake. Molten stayed silent for a moment, the animatronics cooling system buzzing like it always did whenever he was thinking.
"We shouldn't talk about it until we know for sure what's happening, which we could've figured out if Jon didn't fucking take him," Molten said. Freddy wanted to push more, but Molten was upset and neither of them got along; if Freddy pushed too much he had no doubt that Molten would attack him. Molten started buzzing and got a call from Jon so Freddy left the hospital and went to go visit Lefty, taking note that one of the apps the animatronics could download was a calling app.

Soon Freddy reached Lefty's laugh house and took a step inside, he saw Lefty sitting at a table playing with a Rubix cube.
"I didn't know you liked those," Freddy said making his way over to Lefty. Lefty snapped his head around in surprise and grew a smile once he saw he had been visited by a friend.
"Oh hey! I was starting to think everyone forgot about me!" Lefty said jumping up.
"Why would you think that?" Freddy asked.
"No one ever really comes here anymore, other then that visit you made a few days ago I've been here alone, Bryan and Molten are the only other two who ever visited and they haven't shown up for a while either," Lefty responded. At the mention of Bryan Freddy felt a wave of worry wash over him again. Unaware of what was happening with the business owner and what the portal had to do with it.
"You okay bud? You look kinda worried there, did something happen?" Lefty asked.
"Well, Bryan went missing for a while, apparently something happened with the portal. Molten got him back recently though," Freddy said. Lefty's face showed a wide range of emotions, worry, fear, and an emotion Freddy didn't expect anger.
"How long ago was this?" Lefty asked looking down.
"Bryan went missing about a month ago, we found him the other day," Freddy answered.
"Why didn't anyone tell me," Lefty said quietly.
"What did you say?" Freddy asked confused.
"I said, why didn't anyone tell me!" Lefty shouted. "No one tells me anything anymore! No one visits, no one talks to me, Molten doesn't want me going out and getting hurt, it's like I don't exist to you guys anymore!" Lefty yelled sounding hurt. Freddy froze unsure of what he should say.
"No one talks to each other anymore if I'm being honest," Freddy responded after some time. Lefty looked up confused before Freddy continued.
"Bryan went missing because Jon and him apparently had a fight and Jon hurt Bryan and Molten, Bryan ran away and went inside the portal, but Molten didn't tell anyone what happened. We just assumed he was off doing his work and hiding from everyone after a while," Freddy said. Lefty calmed down a bit, his emotions shifting from anger to worry for his friends.
"Are Bryan and Molten okay?" Asked Lefty.
"Molten seems to be, Bryan we aren't sure of, something wrong but Molten won't say anything and Jon took Bryan to some sort of work meeting once he woke up," Freddy responded. Lefty relaxed a bit after hearing Molten was okay but was worried for Bryan. Both because Bryan was his friend but also because he was their owner, and probably the best one they could get. If Bryan got hurt and was gone they could be sent into storage or to another pizzeria with an owner like someone like Jon who rips off animatronics arms when he gets upset.
"Did you notice anything off about Bryan?" Lefty asked. Freddy froze for a moment, thinking about the purple goo he thought he saw coming out of Bryan when he saw him in the hospital bed.
"No one other than Molten and Jon has seen him while he's awake, but while he was asleep I visited, for a moment I thought I saw some weird purple goo but it was gone by the time I told Foxy," Freddy responded. Lefty leaned against a nearby table thinking for a moment.
"Well, you said they got him from the portal right? Something probably happened in there," Lefty responded. Freddy slapped his hand onto his face, the answer seemed so obvious yet he didn't think of it sooner.
"You really didn't think of that? I only have one eye and even I saw that," Lefty said gesturing to a poster of him next to his stage. He looked at the poster for a moment before narrowing his eyes. "They still have the wrong eye missing on that thing," Lefty said in an angry tone as Freddy laughed, he missed Lefty's jokes.
"Well, I'm going to go see if I can look at whatever scans are still in Bryan's old hospital room for anything about what the portal did to him, you can join me and get some markers to fix it," Freddy said. Lefty was hesitant, scared to go outside with everything that had happened, but ultimately decided to join Freddy. The two animatronics started making their way to the hotel as Lefty drove Freddy insane with puns and dad jokes.

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