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Dominic's POV

a couple days had went by since i had kissed Selah, walking from class I saw her scurry her way out of a small building across from mine.

i made my way to approach her. Selah's body jolting at my sudden presence but she started laughing once she saw it was actually me.

"where did you just come from?" i asked, curious because i knew she only had two classes and she had already went to both of them.

"oh," she laughed, "i do dance," my eyebrow shot up when i actually took the time to analyze her face i could tell she had been putting in a good amount of energy because her warm brown baby hairs stuck to her forehead.

her ponytail half way falling out of its spot, her cheeks red from how hot she was from i'm assuming was a lot of dancing.

"makes sense why you look like shit right now," i joked. she rolled her eyes at me, and connected her fist with my arm.


my laugh boomed through the air as i rubbed my hand against the spot she punched.

she turned around on her heel and began to walk away from me. "you're not a people person, so how do you dance in front of people without getting embarrassed?"

she stopped in her tracks, "oh i-" she paused, "i don't dance with other people," my eyebrow shot up in confusion. "there's a room connected to the dance room where other people DO dance, and i'm allowed to look at them through this mirror without them seeing me," she ranted as she turned around to look at me.

i found it quite amazing how she found a way to do such a thing.

"so like you kinda just spy on their dance moves and copy them?"

she shrugged, "i guess so," she laughed, her pearly whites beaming just a bit since it was a little cloudy out so the sun wasn't able to fully glisten against her face.

i liked how she kept her conversation short with me, because i could almost make myself build a sort of ego knowing she felt so nervous she could barley make conversation with me.

i wanted to kiss her again but i knew it would be a bad idea. i never meant to kiss her in the first place, i didn't want to give off mixed emotions because i know already that i'm no where near close to wanting a relationship.

but there was just something about how she didn't revolve herself around others, and didn't throw herself at guys like she was some easy tramp.

i liked the way she only talk to me. (and her parents if necessary.)

"i should head home, maybe come dance with me sometime," before i could speak to agree, her pity body made its way away from me and toward her apartment.

the urge i was fighting not to catch up to her and slip my tongue into her mouth was driving me crazy but i knew i couldn't confuse her more than i had already confused myself.

with a face palm i made my way to my "beloved" home.

Selah had seen the outside which was okay, but would she ever see the inside of my "home," (no.)

too much to bring on her. growing up how i did. i would fear she would never want to be with someone like me.

not that i hate my family, outside people would think were a happy home. indicating why i don't think so, when i told Selah i don't even really talk to my parents.

which is true, even though we live in the same house.

now being the only child since my sister died, it's like i'm a burden. the favor over my sister was way more power when she was here and now that she wasn't.

they acted like they had only ever had her.

my sister and i were very close, and i would vent to her about how the favoritism with her affected me.

and she understood and would try to include me in things, but she passed away before she could fully let me feel like i was enough.

walking into my house. my parents seated on our love seat watching whatever was on just playing in the background while both of them were on their phone.

most likely cheating on each other.

they didn't care to look up at me when they heard the front door shut.

they knew i was home, they just didn't care.

so i felt the pinch in my heart form, and storm up to my room.

my eyes locking in the drum set i hadn't touched since i started talking to Selah, because my attention was so focused on her i didn't even think about playing.

but being so upset, like i used to do. i threw my book bag to the side and made my way to my drum set.

grabbing the sticks that would make music to my ears and take my anger, frustration, and emotions out.

the rage that ran through me with each hit to the drum reminded me how much i had needed this release.

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