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selah's pov

2years later

i had roughly threw the raman pack into the shopping cart. i didn't plan on going grocery shopping but when i opened my fridge and food cabinet - it was long over do. i had came here for one thing and one thing only; raman. you can never go wrong with a four minute meal. "is this all for today?" the cashier asked. i just nodded, i didn't answer - people in public scare me.

my hair was grown out, almost past my butt but not quite. my dad had told me constantly to cut it but i liked this new look, it made my face look more - what's the word? snatched? i laughed to myself as i walked out of the automatic door.

swinging the bag around to see if the pack of noodles would stay inside the bag the whole walk toward my car. surly - it did not. i groaned as it dropped onto the cold ground. it had been nearing february so the coldness was only just now getting worse. "here, i'll help-" the voice caught me off guard. turned backward i was met with a awfully familiar pair of brown eyes.

my heart almost stopped. it had been two whole years with no contact and my feelings for him were the exact same. i was starstruck as i saw him walking closer to me. his hair was grown out to his shoulders - had a few more face tats. i was in awe. "selah?" he snapped me out of my thoughts. i wanted to kiss him already, had i really gone this long with out talking to him.

"hey, sorry i-i," i couldn't get the words out. "it's been so long," i had hoped all the same feelings that he felt came rushing back toward him also. hoping like i had said the day we parted ways - we could try again. "and your hair, it's so long," i ran my small fingers through it, like i always used to. it immediately sent shivers down my spine, i couldn't even tell if it was from the cold or from the simple fact i had touched him.

he stiffened a laugh. "i could say the same about you- you look amazing," his pearly whites shined in front of me. i couldn't take this anymore, he had been the one that got away. i was determined to get him back.

"you should come over," my words caught him by surprise. but he smiled. "sure," he picked my raman pack up off the floor and followed me to my car.

entering my apartment door, nothing had changed since we'd parted ways. "hm, feels like home," i couldn't tell if it was awkward between us or just simply getting to know each other all over again, since it had been so long. "you know, i regret how i treated you. i've grown as a person and when i look back on how i took you for granted - it eats me up inside," his words were soft. i had never heard him talk so calmly in my life. and it scared me, maybe we were over forever. maybe he was just apologizing so that he had no bad blood between us anymore. maybe he had a girlfriend and he was just being nice.

"what are you thinking about?" he walked closer to me. i wanted to be with him again, he had been the last person i ever kissed, touched, anything. my first and my last. i had waited for him, for the last two years i had hoped and prayed for the day we would reunite again.

"i'm thinking about you, us," i told him honestly. i wanted to know if there could be an us again. he smirked at my words and placed his lips on mine. they were warm, comfortable. they felt right, like home. i still loved every ounce of him, the good and the bad. all of him.

i sighed into the kiss - my heart finally feeling at ease. i felt free, no worry. and it was crazy to ever think that i had ever been a better distraction than a set of drums. and to be quite frank, in my mind - i had a feeling i still was.

THE END FRL THIS TIME. i had been thinking ab this book and i thought the ending was kinda slow so i made this ily 🤭

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