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Selah's POV

tossing and turning in bed. my mind was on Dominic.

i hated the fact that i found myself thinking about him. the way he kissed me had my mind running wild.

i practically drooled at the thought of his lips on mine. i wanted to rip my brain out of my head to keep my thoughts from roaming through my body.

but i couldn't . i had to lay here and except the thoughts of him.

and it was crazy because the days after , he acted as if our kiss never happened.

not that it mattered to me because i had never been in a real relationship. so the fact he didn't engage in what happened didn't really affect me.

it just didn't make sense, how he could crave me but not crave me just as bad any other day.

that's what was messing with my head.

i sat up in my bed. i couldn't sleep, my clock on my night stand read 2:56AM.

it was long over do for me to have fallen asleep already.

with a pierced scream from the top of my lungs because of the built up frustration i felt.

my bedroom door shot up. my heart almost fell out of my ass (no pun intended.)

Dominic standing in my door way. "wha-" i had no words to say, other than how the hell he got into my house.

"i'm sorry, i climbed through your window- i- i just needed to get away from my house i couldn't-" tears fell from his eyes and my natural instinct was to hop up from my bed and take him into my arms.

"what's wrong, are you okay?" my empathetic trait taking over. his head laid gently on my shoulder and the feeling of his tears melting into my shirt was enough to have my heart burn in my chest with sorrow.

"i just can't be home tonight," he sniffled and pushed away from me which made me tumble back a little bit.

i wanted to be irritated at him for pushing me with such force, but i understood he was just upset at the moment and that he probably didn't mean it.

with a deep breath i walked over to my bathroom that connected to my room, and handed him a towel.

he looked back at me, and took it he didn't question why i had given it to him but i felt the need to inform him anyway. "take a shower, it'll calm your nerves," he just laughed sadly and let his eyes look up at mine.

I didn't really know whether or not a shower would actually help but I was trying to be the best I could to help.

he stood up pulling his shirt over his head, revealing his toned stomach.

I wanted to turn away so bad as he was now starting to take his pants off too. but my eyes were glued to him. he was beautiful.

I wondered what had happened and why this beautiful boy was so sad at the moment. I wanted to kiss him better, I wanted him to feel better.

"thank you," his voice caught me out of my trance. I just nodded letting him know that it wasn't a big deal that he had technically broken into my house.

I actually appreciated him for it. I felt wanted because for once someone turned to me and needed me.

"I can get the shower running for you," I hiccuped. I didn't give him a chance to answer as I went into my bathroom and pulled the handle to start the shower water. my eyes stayed glue to the tub beneath me; thinking.

"you okay?" he asked from behind me. I jumped as I felt him gently touch me with his cold fingers.

I was wearing a long tom-boy shirt, and a pair of girl boxes. I had expected it would only be me in my room tonight. but I didn't mind that I was wrong for once.

but as my eyes caught a glimpse of his hands, there were welts and scabs all the way up to his wrists. "oh my god, what happened?" with worry I got up and took his hands in mine to analyze them more.

he just quickly snatched them away from me and hid them behind him back. he pursed his lips "I was playing my drums and got carried away," my heart sunk.

"do your hands always look like this after playing them?"

he just shrugged not wanting to give me an answer. but I didn't push him. I planned to give him privacy as he took a shower but he proved me wrong once again.

"can you stay in here while I shower?"

there were still tears that clouded his eyes but he didn't dare let them fall, he wanted to seem strong in front of me. although he had already showed his vulnerability in front of me just a couple minutes ago.

I agreed and he shut the door to the bathroom so all the steam could be trapped in the room with us. I sat on the toilet and closed my eyes as he took the towel off that was around his waist off.

he threw it at me and unintentionally I caught it.

"so what happened?" I asked as his body fully planted itself inside of my shower.

"um," he paused and I felt myself regret asking so soon. "just home problems," he told me, but he kept it sort and I was fine with that.

"I'm sorry,"

I heard him sigh "it's really okay, its life," he obligated. I just nodded accepting he didn't want to dwell on the subject about it.

he took a rather short shower and with in minutes he was opening the shower Curtin not giving me any sort of warning so I so happened to catch a glimpse of his bare ass before slapping a hand over my eyes.

"warn me next time!" I squealed. he just laughed and took the towel from off my lap.

"okay its all good you can open your eyes,"

and with that I instantly regretted it because when I removed my hands from my eyes I saw his hard on right in front of my face. a hysterical scream came from my mouth and I almost wanted to slam my head against the bathroom sink from my eyes being practically blinded.

but the sound of his laughter took my mind off the near life changing sight. "put your towel on!" I screamed.

his laugh continued on but I heard him wrap the towel around his waist which then I uncovered my eyes. I playfully pushed him as I walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom dropping my whole body onto my comfy bed.

I saw him stand above me, his hands trailing their way up my thigh. I sucked in a breath. "too bad my hands aren't good right now," he teased.

I wanted to bend his fingers back feeling the sudden absence of his hands against my skin. I furrowed my eyebrows up at him wanting to pout at him and give him puppy dog eyes to continue on.

but I knew better. only knowing him for just a month, I hated myself that I was already feeling things.

things for him.


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