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Selah's POV

the sun beamed in from my bedroom window. and the feeling of dominic's hand placed gently against my waist.

i didn't want to move because i loved the feeling of his warm body against mine.

but i moved out of my bed anyway, his arm falling into the dent my body had just left.

"sel," his voice whined from behind me. my heart churned at the nickname he had called me.

no one had ever called me anything other than, selah. i genuinely felt special around him, especially how even at the beginning when he met me. he revolved himself around me.

just to piss me off of course. but now that i thought about it, i never truly minded when he did so.

because it was the first time someone gave me their undivided attention, whether it was annoying or not.

"sel," he whined again. i spit the toothpaste out of my mouth from just getting done brushing my teeth.

"sorry, i was brushing my teeth,"

"come back to bed," he held his arm out for me to cuddle into. but i didn't know whether to or not.

i knew nothing about what he wanted. he was confusing.

it was like he didn't realize what all had happened last night. not that i minded , i was hoping his mind would sway from whatever had upset him so much. i just didn't want him to push his problems down without getting the right resolve he needed.

i swallowed the lump in my throat "do you wanna talk about what happened?" i pushed a strand of my warm brown behind my overly pierced ear.

"ya know, you wonder why you have no friends," he snickered. but i took rather offense to his rude comment.

"right," i spit. i didn't mean to come off so harsh but my anger that was dwelling from beneath me took over before i could control what came out of my mouth. "sorry that i care about your well being,"

"wait i didn't mean it like that," he sighed. "i just don't know why you have to pry so much with something that doesn't involve you,"

i furrowed my eyebrows. "if that was the case why did you come to ME, if it doesn't involve ME!" i raised my voice. which once again i didn't mean to but his annoying side was coming out and at this point i actually wanted him to leave.

he just looked up at me, his bare back showing; the cover half way off his body. "can you not yell?" he put a pillow over his head.

i felt so irritated, i almost wanted to suffocate him with the pillow that was already over his head.

"you have some nerve,"

he eventually sat up to look me directly in the eyes. my arms quickly found their ways cross so he didn't have the advantage to grab onto my hands to pull me toward him.

but he stood up. and he walked towards me, and i wanted to back away but i stood my ground so he knew he had no power over me.

his face just inches away from mine, and his dark brown eyes piercing into mine. his somewhat better blistered hands made their way up my shirt to play with the piercing that sat hidden under it.

"do you ever shut up?" i felt taken back but he stopped me from talking when his lips collided with mine.

i had never been with someone like him, so moody and sweet at the same time. someone who could make me mad but even when i was mad i would happily give in to anything he wanted.

whether he upset me or not i always found myself smiling at the thought of him.

his lips were so soft, the way i imagine heaven to be like. but also a pinch of hell because when he would pull away i felt my lips burn with the rage he would take out on them.

i wanted to cry because i didn't know what he really wanted, he had never spoke about our first kiss. and yet he was doing this again, and i knew in the back of my mind he wouldn't speak of this one either.

but with all this flowing through my mind, i couldn't bring myself to pull away as his lips molded with mine so perfectly.

my arms came out of their folded position and found their way around his neck to pull him closer, and also run my fingers through his hair.

the soft feeling of his hair almost made me go wild, excepting his hair would be fried from the half grown out bleach he had done a couple months back.

his hand continued to trace up my stomach and by my surprise he stopped right underneath my chest when he noticed i wasn't wearing a bra.

he groaned and pulled away from me. "i'm sorry i can't," i was once again found dumb founded.

he had lead me on again. "what do you mean? you can't keep kissing me and then just forget about it,"

"it's just complicated," he shook his head and sat on the bed below me.

i rolled my eyes. which now was my signature move when talking to him.

"well it's not complicated when you do it in the heat of the moment," with my arms folded back across my chest and my leg shaking from the sudden withdrawal i was going through from the absence of his lips.

"god dammit, selah, can you just not pry at me?!" he yelled. i jumped at his sudden rage and my heart seemed to hurt at his loud words.

i embarrassedly laughed and my arms fell from in front of me. and with a pinch to the bridge of my nose i went to my bedroom door and opened it.

"get out."

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