Chapter 8

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I look straight at Madpat.
"Hey Madpat" I say as I stop walking forward. I'm about to break their huge ass egos.
"Has anyone ever told you how stupid your clothes are? Like how do you wear that all day?" I look at Natemare.
"Nate...mare...Natemare...kind of a stupid name. Not very cool sounding, don't you think?" I look at Blank.
"You have problems and you are the problem, stop trying to fix them" I look at Dark and smile a bit.
"You know, your punches weren't actually that strong. I honestly thought you'd be stronger" I look at Anti and just give him this dirty look but then just smirk.
"Stop trying to get your dick wet" He looks so pissed. He teleports behind me and grabs my hair.
"You fucking bitch"

I step on his foot and elbow him in the stomach. I look over and notice that the other egos are pretty much right in front of me. Shit. I get punched by Natemare and get kicked down by Blank. I get kicked in the side and the stomach by everyone. I start coughing up blood. Dark of course has to be more aggressive and stab me in the side of my left arm. I cough up even more blood. One of them pulls me up again and I get a quick glance of the boys. Their expressions look like they've been stabbed in the chest. It hurts more than anything to see them like that.

I look back and I get kneed in the stomach. I drop down on my knees and cough up blood again. Right after I'm done coughing, I get kneed in the head. I flop to the ground completely. I close my eyes and act like I've passed out. I don't get hit anymore so I think it's working.

I hear footsteps walk away from me.
"We'll be back later" Anti says in a dark and sinister tone. I hear footsteps walk away from us. Once I hear no more footsteps and know that they're gone, I sit up. My left hand is shaking so much from Dark stabbing that arm. Honestly, how am I still alive?

I take a deep breath and stand up. Pain. That's it, just pain. I take one step and groan in pain. I take another deep breath and just start walking because I know I'm going to need to run later so this isn't even the worst thing. I walk towards the boys. I take the cloths out of their mouths. They don't say anything.

I look around to see if there's any keys. I don't seem to see any. Hm, what's something I could use?  I scan the room real quick to see if there's anything useful. The best thing I can find is a knife. I limp over to it and pick it up. This will have to do. I limp back over to the boys and start to use the knife to attempt to lock pick the handcuffs. After a minute, I hear a click and the handcuff comes off.
"Yes" I say, quietly. I continue to do the rest and as I go, it gets easier. Once I get them all out, the stand up but still don't say anything. I sigh.

"Just because you're mad at me doesn't mean you can't talk to me. We need to get out of here and I know how"
"You're hurt" Says Mark.
"I understand that but I-"
"Your not going anywhere because you're not moving" Says MatPat.
"No, we're looking out for you and you're still trying to put yourself in danger. What if we get caught again? What if they hurt you again? You look like you're going to pass out from blood loss" Says MatPat.
"That was my idea. I did all that purposely and I knew the consequences. I did that to save you guys. I don't care what happens to me. I knew they would leave if I faked being knocked out" I start to tear up.
"I'm doing this for you guys" I say in a soft, weak voice.
"I need to keep you guys safe because your so much more important than I am. So many people love you" Tears start to roll down my face.
"If I die, it doesn't matter" I turn around and start to walk away. I get into the hallway and hear footsteps. I turn around and the boys are right there.
"Your not going anywhere without us" Says Ethan.
"We're going to talk about all this when we get home, understand?" Asks Matpat. I look away and nod my head.
"Follow me"

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