Chapter 11

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I wake up. I have this huge migraine. I hold the back of my head as I sit up. The egos are gone which is good for now at least. My left wrist is still chained and my right is still free. Kind of stupid for them to just leave me like this. I grab this object that's on the ground that looks like a piece of a brick or a rock or a piece that fell out of the wall or something but it's useful. I take the piece and start bashing at the chain. I bash it near where my hand is so I don't have to deal with a long chain if I can't get the actual handcuff off. I finally get it to snap. I can't exactly get the actual handcuff part off my wrist which I assumed would happen so I just don't bother with it.

I walk up to the door and open it. I quickly walk out and go to the right. I walk down a few hallways until I find a different white door with black dots in a circle. I open the door and look at the computer. It's Mark's room. Good thing the computer is still on because he's really close to where I live. I can easily walk from his to my house. I might actually get out of here. I hear a cough behind me. It's one of those coughs to get someone's attention. It most certainly got mine.

My hand starts shaking as I turn around. I give a little smile.
"H-hey" I give a little wave.
"I see you've broken out...well at least you mostly have" Says Madpat, obviously referring to the handcuff still on my wrist.
"Y-ya" I give a nervous laugh. I gulp. I would beg but...I don't beg. Not like it would help with anything anyways but I would try at least. I sigh.
"I just need to go home"
"That's a shame" Says Anti.
"Your not leaving us" Says Natemare.
"But why? Why am I here? Why did I come with them? I don't understand why you need me!"
"You are the only person keeping them sane! Your the only reason that makes it so we can't control them!" Says Dark. My eyes go wide.
"So that is what you've been doing"
"And that's why we would rather have you dead" I raise my eyebrow.
"But your hesitating"
"What?" Asks Blank.
"But your hesitating. You could've killed me already but you've chosen not to" They stay silent.
"Hm" I smirk. "Quiet, aren't we. Don't worry, I know exactly why" I walk up to them and chuckle.
"But I got to go" I quickly turn around and run into the computer. I jump through it. I land on my feet and quickly turn around and punch the screen. It turns to static.

I drop down on my knees. Holy shit. did I get away with that? Hopefully the other computers have shut off so they can't get out. I mean they shouldn't be able to anyways. I quickly get up and rush out of the room. I run downstairs and use one of Mark's knives to unlock the handcuff that I totally forgot I had again. I should just start carrying knives with me. Clearly, you never know.

I put the handcuff on Mark's table. Sorry Mark. I go to open the door but I hesitate a bit. I'm covered in blood and scars and scratches and my clothes are all ripped. Do I really want to go out in public like this? Eh, what the fuck. I walk out the door. It's not too far so whatever. I walk for a minute but then start running towards my house due to the amount of stares I was getting and people were starting to call the police.

After around 5 minutes, I make it to my house. I open the door and run up the stairs. I walk into my room and find the boys. Thank fucking god they're safe. They look up as I'm catching my breath.

"Y/N!" They all yell. They get up and run up to me. They all give me a big hug.
"Your ok" Ethan says on the verge of crying. I can hear it in his voice.
"Of course I'm ok. It's actually crazy how I escaped. Oh, and Mark, I kind of punched your computer, I had to. It was the first computer I found and you do live close. I'll pay for any new computer you want though"
"It's fine, Y/N. I'll pay for it. You don't have to" Says Mark.

They let go after a few more minutes of hugging.
"Here, we'll clean you up" Says Nate.
"No, it's fine, I'll just go in the shower"
"You sure?" Asks Sean.
"Ya, it's fine. You guys can stay here and wait or go watch tv downstairs or play a game or something. You guys must be hungry. Go eat. I'll be back, alright?"
"Alright" Says Matt.

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