Chapter 17

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I sit back down on the couch and get comfortable. "Come on, let's just finish this stupid movie" I say. Everyone comes back and sits down. They put their blankets back on and I unpause the movie. We actually manage to finish the movie with no more teasing or anything. Interesting movie. A lot of...well...definitely a lot of sex.

I look at my phone only to notice that it's 10:00.
"Holy shit, it's already 10:00" I say.
"Damn, time really went by quick" Says Ethan.
"Ya, it did" I say. I get up and start to walk to the kitchen to get a drink. I turn my head and notice something on the ground. My dagger. I totally forgot about it. I walk towards it and pick it up. I notice something weird. It had something written on it that blood? It says "We are not done with you yet. Just because you got out doesn't mean anything" I flip the dagger over. "Good luck"

What? How did they write this? Did they write it after we got out? But there's no way. Did they somehow know this before they took us? Wait, is blood? I go to the sink and quickly wash the dagger. I notice out of the corner of my eye that the boys have been looking at me.
"What?" I ask without looking at them.
"Nothing, you were looking at your dagger for 5 minutes and then wash it like you contaminated it" Says Matt. I roll my eyes. I continue washing the dagger. After a minute or two, I stop the water and look at it. Surprisingly, most of the blood did come off but now my dagger is ruined with the blood that is still on it. Them fucking bastards. I'm going to kill them.

I walk towards the stairs and flip my dagger in my hand. I go upstairs, go to my bedroom and put my dagger in my drawer. That was my favorite dagger. It's dragon themed too. I sigh. I go back downstairs and go get a drink like I was originally going to do.
"Are you guys tired?" I ask them.
"No" Says Sean and Ethan.
"Kind of but I don't want to sleep just yet" Says Matt.
"Alright, then what do you guys want to do?" I ask. I notice them looking at each other again. Oh god.
"We want to hear a song you wrote" Says Ethan. I open my eyes wide.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because you never share any of your songs with us" Says Nate.
"Come on, just one, please" Begs Ethan.
"Ugh, fine"
"Yay!" The boys cheer.
"Come on then" We go upstairs to where my music room is. I sit down at the piano. I take a deep breath. I start playing the piano. It's this beautiful but basic pattern at the start. Then I switch to more the beat for the rest of the song going along with the lyrics. I take another deep breath.
"I have brown eyes and you want blue. But they're beautiful too. My hair is wrong and you want blonde. You tell me to dress more sexy but I just want to be comfy. You want a bigger ass and bigger boobs but I gave you all I could do. You don't understand how I feel" I play a small tune, going into the next part.
"You tell me I have an attitude and I should fix it. You treat me like a pet but I'm no animal. You tell others I'm crazy and some that you hate me. You tell your friends that I'm not yours but then then tell them how good I was in bed~" I extend that last note a bit. The tone of the piano turns somewhat minor. I get angry. This part is supposed to sound mad anyways.
"Make up your god damn mind. If we switched sides you'd be losing your shit. You would finally realize how it feels to lose everyday" I calm down a little bit but I still sound mad.
"I'd be the queen~ And you'd be listening to me~ I may not be perfect but I choose to be imperfect. I may not be perfect for you but I'll be perfect for me" I stop the piano on the last note with the last lyric. I smile at myself with how good that actually turned out.

It's way too quiet so I turn around. The boys are just in shock.
"Wow, That was amazing, Y/N" Says Matt.
"Ya, that was beautiful" Says Nate.
"Ya, why don't you try doing music professionally?" Asks Sean. I look off to the side.
"I don't know, too much pressure I guess" Ethan scoffs. I look at Ethan.
"You seem like you'd be fine, I doubt it's too much pressure for you" I shrug. Hm, Mark has been awfully quiet.
"Mark, you ok?"
"Ya, but I just remembered about that talk we were going to have. I totally forgot about it when we lost you and then we were having so much fun" I look off to the side again.
"And I have a question...has someone ever...have you ever gone through a relationship or something that this happened so you turned it into a song?"

Author -
Hiiii! The song used in this chapter is in fact my song, written by me. I literally started writing it in school the other day. I had other songs I could've used but I didn't want to so I just made one completely new for this and I think it fits nicely anyways. I hope you guys like the song too. It was also difficult to write how it should go because I just chose an instrument that I've introduced into the story and picked something cuz in rl all I got so far is just how the lyrics should sound and you have to just think of how they should sound too and it's difficult but just give it your best. Oh, and I'm sorry if you have blue eyes or blonde hair and the song doesn't really relate to you that way, I'm sorry. I just wrote it down cuz that's what I know guys want more most of the time and also I do have brown eyes and my natural hair is brown so.

Here's just a picture of the lyrics

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Here's just a picture of the lyrics. I need to rewrite it to make it look nicer cuz I just did a draft with this one cuz I wasn't sure when writing it at first. I don't have a name for it yet so if there's any ideas or suggestions I'll gladly accept them. I'm in New Jersey right now for my brothers birthday since he chose to go out of town so we went to Philadelphia and New Jersey but I'll definitely be working on this cuz I just finished the song even tho I didn't even have much left. But since I now finished the song, I'm heading back home tomorrow so I'll be working on it a lot on the way home making up for the time spent from the last chapter to this one and from not working on it on the way here so ya. Just a huge spiel, I don't even know if you'll read it. Have a nice rest of your day or night. :)

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