Chapter 21

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We continue our walk in silence. Nothing else happens either. After our walk, we go back to my house. Once we all get back in the house, I finally say something.
"Do you guys want to go shower?" They just look at me without saying anything.
"Fine, don't talk" I start walking towards the stairs. "You guys know where the bathrooms are and where the washer is, you can do it yourselves" I go upstairs and to my room. I slam the door because I'm upset. Do they have to this every time I burst out? Like, come on now, it's not necessary. I said I'm fine now leave me the fuck alone. I start pacing back in fourth in my room. I really fucking hate them sometimes. I open up myself one time and they go crazy because it's something wrong and they have to act like they're my big brothers but they're not. For once actually leave me the fuck alone!

I stop pacing and stand right in front of the mirror. I look at the mirror all pissed and see me reflecting off of it but my eyes...they're blacked out. I have this black liquid flowing from my eyes and this wicked smile. I step back and blink. It disappears. I realize I'm breathing kind of heavy. What the fuck was that? I turn around, pacing again.
"Y/N" I stop pacing again and just stand there. That wasn't in my head. I slowly turn around. Dark is standing in the mirror. It's a tall mirror that leans up against the wall on the ground.
"You're not Anti" I say.
"No, I'm not"
"Why are you here?"
"I wanted to see you....and maybe kill you"
"You can't do that stuck in a mirror" I say with a little smirk.
"Oh but I will soon, darling" I raise an eyebrow as I walk towards the mirror.
"Don't call me that"
"Oh, sorry, darling" I growl.
"You always are so cute when you get mad"
"Shut. up. Now."
"What are you going to do, pin me to the wall?" He chuckles. That's it. I punch the mirror. The whole thing shatters with some of the pieces falling to the ground.

I look back at myself in the broken mirror. The way the pieces are broken disorient what you see but I know what I see is true. My eyes...they're blacked out again and have the same black liquid flowing from them but this time there's something different. In the endless black eyes, there's a glowing dot of white. I get a sudden chill go down my spine. I blink a few times and now all I see is just a normal shattered mirror.

There's a knock on the door. I calm down and walk towards the door. I open the door to the boys standing there with towels wrapped around their waists and their hair soaking wet. I can feel my face start to heat up.
"Uh- our clothes are in the washer and we came up here to apologize" Says Ethan.
"I don't want an apology"
"Then what do you want?" Asks Mark. I shake my head.
"Nothing. Next time, how about you actually talk to me. Stop getting pissed at me just because I yell at you one fucking time"

"You're yelling at us and you've never done that before and we're just tired of it! We want the old Y/N back! You've changed!" Yells Mark.
"So have you! Look at yourselves!"
"We haven't done anything besides possibly ignore you when you talk to us because you're being a bitch" He yells. I hear the door slam shut. I look over and realized Nate closed it. My breathing starts to pick up. I back up a bit and hit the wall. They all stand in front of me. They look so intimidating even tho they're only in a towel. I'm too pushed up against the wall that I have to look off to the side.
"Get out of my way" I say, sternly.
"No" Says Mark. I glare at him.
"Don't you have to go check on your clothes?"
"Nope" Says Ethan. I try to walk off to the side to escape but Mark grabs my arm and pushes me, pinning me against the wall.
"Where do you think you're going?" Asks Mark.
"Away, shouldn't you be getting your clothes before something happens to your towels" I say, quickly. Sean raises an eyebrow.
"Do you want something to happen?" He says with a smirk. My breathing gets worse.
"Get. The fuck. Off of me!" I yell as I push Mark away. He almost falls. I punch him in the face,  causing him to fall.
"Y/N!" Sean yells as he holds me back. Nate pulls Mark up.
"What is wrong with you?!" Yells Nate. I just realize what I did. There's something wrong with me.
"Let me go"
"No" Says Sean.
"I mean it, let me go" I try to stay calm. It takes him a minute but he does. I look at Mark in the eyes.
"I'm sorry...I need to go"

I walk out of the room. I go to the bathroom and lock the door. I splash my face with water. I look up at the mirror and just stare. Nothing happens this time. I look at my hands which are shaking really bad. Why did I do that? He'll never forgive me, will he?

Matt's pov
"Are you going to forgive her?" Asks Ethan.
"No" Mark says.
"But she-" Ethan starts but Mark interrupts him.
"No, I'm not dealing with her bullshit again" Mark says, still arguing with Ethan. I look off to the side
"We should probably go get our clothes" Says Sean.
"Ya" Says Nate.
"Hey guys look, her mirror" I say.
"Oh shit" Says Nate.
"What happened?" Asks Mark.
"How did we JUST notice it?" I ask.
"...We we're too busy yelling at her and messing with her" Says Nate. We sit in silence.
"What have we done?" Sean asks.
"She deserves it" Mark says.
"No, she really doesn't. No matter how much we may hate her right now and no matter what happens, we will always love her" I say.
"We really messed this one up, didn't we?" Asks Ethan.
"...ya" Marks says.

Authors note -
Ello! I like how the boys did all of this with just a towel around their waists. Barely any of this was planned sooooooo ya. The only things that were planned were when Y/N was being tormented and seeing things but other then that absolutely was not planned but I kind of like it. But I hoped you enjoyed, this was kind of a long one.

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