7 Busted

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Roman was not even gone 5 minutes, as it already knocked on my door. I stepped out of the bathroom and tied my hair into a messy bun before opening the door.

"Good morning, Naomi." I said when I saw her beaming face.

"Hey, now spit it out. How did it go?" she asked immediately.

I groaned as I grabbed my bag and closed the door behind me. As we made our way to the elevator, her gaze almost bored holes in me.

"Well, what can I tell you, Na. It was a total waste of time." I began as I pressed the button for the elevator.

"What do you mean?" she asked, sounding rather confused.

"The same way I say it. Neither of us enjoyed the evening. I knew a blind date wasn't a good idea, but you wouldn't listen." I replied, having to pull myself together so I didn't start laughing at the sight of her face.

"But... How is that possible? The two of you are so perfect for each other." she said disappointed.

"Let's just forget it, Na. But I hope you won't try to persuade me to do something like that again. If I need a man, I'll find him myself." I said to her and put my arm around her shoulders.

"I still don't understand. Did Roman say or do something that made you uncomfortable. Or did you do something wrong?" Naomi wanted to know.

"No, none of that. It just didn't click between us. Just forget about it." I replied, leaning against the wall in the elevator.

Suddenly she took a few steps toward me and moved the collar of my sweater slightly to the side.

"Why is your neck and collarbone so red?" she asked suspiciously.

I turned to look in the mirror that was on the back wall in the elevator. The entire side of my neck down to my collarbone and shoulder were bright red. Oh damn, I thought to myself as I realized that it must be scratch marks from Roman's beard.

"Oh... um, I have a new body butter. I think I must be having an allergic reaction to it. It happens sometimes." I explained after a moment's hesitation, desperately hoping she'd buy my explanation.

And fortunately for me, she didn't say anything else about it. We went to breakfast and talked about all sorts of things, but not about my date. But I could tell she was thinking about it. Maybe she would try to find out more from Roman.

We then went back to our rooms to pack and then check out before heading to the arena. The day flew by, but Roman was nowhere to be seen. I somehow suspected that he was trying to avoid Naomi. That was really too bad, because I already missed him. Even if that sounded weird.

I was just making my way alone to the catering when someone cleared his throat behind me. I turned around, but saw nothing at first. But then that certain someone I had wanted to see all day stepped out of the shadows and greeted me with a bright smile.

"Hey, baby girl," Roman said softly and came over to me.

He gently took my hands in his and pulled me into another part of the hallway. Far from prying eyes of our colleagues.

"Hi, Superman. Where have you been all day?" I wanted to know.

"Oh I've been busy. I was planning what we could do for our next date." he explained quietly, then leaned in to slowly press his soft lips to my cheek.

"Really? And what are your plans?" I asked as I put my arms around his broad shoulders.

Then just like that he lifted me up and pinned my back against the wall. I quickly wrapped my legs around his hips.

"When we get to the next town tonight, I was thinking we could have a movie night with pizza. And then I made a reservation for brunch tomorrow before we fly home. How does that sound?" explained Roman to me.

"That sounds almost too perfect." I whispered close to his mouth.

"Oh, baby girl, I'm just getting started," he whispered back, his lips gently brushing over mine.

I placed a hand on the back of his head and pulled him so close to me that nothing fit between us anymore. Our lips and tongues began to fight sensually for dominance. 

But just as things were getting heated, we heard a loud squeak. We both recognized the voice immediately and realized we were busted.

"Aha! I knew it!" screeched Naomi excitedly.

"Well... that didn't work out the way I had imagined." I laughed as Roman carefully set me back on my feet.

"At least we're all happy now." murmured Roman, giving me a kiss on the forehead right before Naomi hugged us both, bouncing with joy.

"That's true," I agreed with him.

A little Romance [a Roman Reigns story]Where stories live. Discover now