11 The incident

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"How do I look?" I asked as I stepped into Roman's living room all dressed up.

He got up from his place on the sofa and came over to me without saying a word. Roman was wearing a black suit with a white dress shirt and red tie. I had chosen the tie to match my outfit perfectly. I was already starting to worry. But then he took my hands in his and held out my arms to get a better look at me and my outfit.

Since it was our first Valentine's Day I decided to wear a dress. I still didn't feel very comfortable in it, but I wanted to look pretty for my man on this day.

The dress I had bought specially was a tight fitting little number with a black skirt and beautiful red top. It was lower cut than I normally considered appropriate. But hey, whatever. Roman gave me the confidence to show off what I had and what no one but him was allowed to unwrap.

I looked up at him, still waiting for him to say something. Instead I saw him licking his lips. At the same time a smirk appeared on his face and it was clear to me in which direction his thoughts were headed.

"Damn, Miss L/N! You look stunning. I love seeing you in a dress. It flatters your curves perfectly." he said to me as he very slowly let his eyes travel down my body.

"Don't get used to it. This is strictly for special occasions. But I wanted to make myself look beautiful for you," I replied.

"You're always beautiful, baby girl. In that dress, in your ring gear, or in jeans and sneakers. Although I have to admit, I prefer it when you don't wear so much." said Roman, winking at me.

"Oh Superman, believe me when I tell you that I feel the same way about you," I replied and then stretched to give him a kiss.

"Are we ready to go? I can't wait to show off my hot girlfriend." he wanted to know after a few minutes of closeness.

"Gladly. Oh wait, I forgot my clutch bag. Why don't you go ahead and start the car. I'll get my clutch, lock up and then we can go." I then said.

"Sounds good to me. I'll put the key in the lock for you. But I hope that's not the only key that finds its lock today." He murmured to me.

"Naughty boy. We will see. Maybe you'll be lucky," I replied with a grin.

"Oh I already am." he murmured softly, but it was so faint I wasn't quite sure.

Roman POV

I went outside and waited for Y/N at the car. However, I didn't get in because I wanted to hold the door to the car open for her like a perfect gentleman. It was important to me that this evening was as beautiful as possible. I even had Naomi help me decide what Y/N would like best of all my ideas. In the end, everything came together just as I had imagined.

We would enjoy a private dinner overlooking the bay before taking a walk on the beach and then enjoying dessert on the pier while listening to the sound of the water.

I was deep in thought that I didn't notice someone approaching me.

"Hello handsome man." I heard a voice that I thought I would not have to hear again.

"Kelly? What are you doing here?" I asked, taken aback.

"Isn't it obvious? I want to spend Valentine's Day with you, silly. I see you're already dressed appropriately." she said as she stood close in front of me.

I took a step back to create some space between us. But it didn't help much as I bumped my back against the door of the car.

"What the hell makes you think I would go out with you? We've been separated for many months! Now get out of here again!" I growled.

"Don't be like that Romy.... I know you want it too." said Kelly as she put her arms around my neck and pulled me to her like a snake.


After getting my clutch from the bedroom, I followed Roman to the car. I quickly locked his house and then turned around.

After a few steps, however, I stopped. The sight that presented itself made the blood freeze in my veins and my heart broke into a thousand pieces. Roman was leaning against his car and making out with a woman who had her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. He had his hands firmly on her hips.

"Roman!" I yelled and the woman took a step back from him, startled.

"Y/N baby, it's not what it looks like!" he exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, it sure isn't!" I replied sarcastically.

I quickly turned around and unlocked the door with shaky fingers. I rushed into the bedroom and threw everything that belonged to me into my suitcase. Then I went into the bathroom to collect all my things there.

"Please, Y/N. Listen to me. I can explain, baby girl." pleaded Roman who was suddenly standing in the doorway.

"What is there to explain? I think a woman clinging to you while you try to suck each other's brains out speaks for itself." I hissed, pushing past him.

I threw the rest of my stuff into the suitcase and zipped it up. Then I took my suitcase and ran as fast as I could out of this house and to my car.

"Now wait a second, baby girl. I had no idea she was going to show up here. It was my ex. I had nothing to do with it. You have to believe me." He babbled as he followed me.

"Why didn't you push her away?" I wanted to know.

"I did. But it wasn't like I could knock her out. It didn't mean anything and I didn't return the kiss." he said.

"Why should I believe you, Roman?" I asked quietly and wiped the tears from my cheek. I had only just realized that I was crying.

"Because I love you, Y/N." he replied, catching me off guard.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"I love you! I was going to tell you at dinner tonight. I planned it all because I wanted it to be extra special." he said, coming toward me.

Roman took my face in his hands and gently wiped away the tears with his thumbs.

"Can you promise me that you have nothing to do with this incident and that you don't want anything more from her? " I asked softly.

I tried really hard to be angry with him. But somehow I couldn't. My instinct told me that he was telling me the truth.

"Yes, I can promise you. Please, please don't let this bitch and this incident destroy what we have. I'm begging you, baby girl. I need you." he replied, looking deep into my eyes.

Looking into his eyes, I saw so much pain. Tears were glistening in his eyes as well. This incident had obviously shaken both of us to the core.

"Okay, but only because I love you too. I forgive you. But you should know that this will be the only time. If something like this happens again, we're done. Understand?" I said after a long silence.

"Thank you, baby girl. I got it. I love you so much." he whispered and then leaned towards me.

But I covered his mouth with my hand. I just couldn't do that right now.

"Maybe you should wash your face and brush your teeth first, Superman," I replied quietly.

Roman looked at me disappointed, but then nodded. He took my suitcase in one hand and then held my hand tightly with the other as we walked back into the house. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. I was still overwhelmed and didn't know what to do with all the feelings I had inside me, but I knew I wanted to trust Roman.

That was what love was all about. Trust. Forgiving the other person for things and having faith in love.

A little Romance [a Roman Reigns story]Where stories live. Discover now