33 Family of three

641 26 16

Roman POV

"Home at last." I said as I carried Mason in his baby carrier in one hand and reached for Y/N's hand with my free hand.

She gave my hand a gentle squeeze. I looked down at her and couldn't help but smile. I was so proud to have this wonderful, beautiful woman by my side. My whole heart belonged to her and our little man.

A content yet tired smile showed on Y/N's face. I knew what she was thinking. Because I was thinking the exact same thing. We were delighted to bring Mason home. Even though we felt complete as it was, the little one still added a huge piece of happiness to our lives.

Of course, as it was to be expected, we were already anticipated. Our parents were already waiting for us. I was sure that especially the two grandmothers could hardly wait to hold their grandson in their arms for the first time.

Fortunately, Y/N had been smart enough to invite all family members and friends at different times. So she wanted to avoid that it would be too much for the baby as well as for herself. And since I knew our family, I knew it was the right call.

Y/N opened the door to our home. Immediately we were greeted by beaming faces.

"Congratulations, my darlings!" said Y/N's mother as she took first her daughter and then me into her arms.

But before we could say anything back, she had already taken the baby carrier from my hand. She carried it over to the coffee table and placed it on top to get a good look at her grandson. While the rest of the family was congratulating us on the baby and hugging us, Mason was already in his grandma's arms.

"Hello, you little pumpkin. God, I could eat you up. Such a cutie." she cooed as the others gathered around to look at him as well.

I hugged my wife tightly. Y/N laid her head on my chest as we watched our family members discuss who would be next to hold the baby.

With her arms wrapped tightly around my middle, Y/N let out a deep, tired sigh. She was totally exhausted. I couldn't blame her. Bringing a baby into the world was no small feat. I bet most men would fail miserably at it and humanity would be at great risk.

"Why don't you go and lie down for a while?" I said gently to my wife while stroking her back.

"No, it's fine. He'll be hungry soon anyway." she replied with a big yawn.

And she was right, of course. It wasn't long before Mason began to fuss. He had a big appetite. It was time to say goodbye to our family and enjoy our first evening as a family of three. Y/N and the baby made their way to the bedroom while I prepared some food for her. Luckily, everything I needed was there.

With Y/N's food and a big bottle of water, I followed my two loved ones into the bedroom after a while. It was so cute to see and hear how doting Y/N was on our son.

"That hungry, huh? You're eating more than Daddy. You keep eating like that, you'll be 3 feet tall by Christmas." chuckled Y/N as she played with Mason's little toes.

"He's got good genes, baby girl. No one in my family is short." I chuckled as I sat down next to her on the bed.

"Yeah, that's true. Okay, big guy. Your son is full. Do your daddy duty." she replied after Mason burped and she handed him to me.

"Will do, Mommy. Come on my little stinker. Let's get you cleaned up." I said.

Along with Mason, I made my way to the nursery to change his diaper and put him in his pajamas. Man, he was really cute. And from the looks of it right now, he was a fantastic mix between Y/N and me. I knew he was going to change, but in my eyes he couldn't get any more perfect. Still, I was sure he would be able to do it.

"Are you giving daddy a smile, buddy?" I asked in a playful tone as I saw the look on his face.

Most people claimed that newborns did not smile, but only had gas, but I did not believe that. That was definitely a smile.

After we finished and I washed my hands, we went back to Y/N. I expected her to be eating her dinner, but I was wrong. She had already fallen asleep. And she was doing it sitting up. She hadn't moved an inch, it seemed.

As quietly as I could, I put Mason in his bassinet and went to Y/N. Carefully, I lifted her up and laid her down properly. Then I spread the blanket over her. She was so exhausted that she didn't wake up.

I took the still wide awake little man back in my arms and sat in bed with him.

"Okay MJ. Looks like we'll have a guys' night until you finally fall asleep." I whispered to the baby in my arms, rocking him gently back and forth.

Of course, it wasn't long before he was fast asleep too. I gently placed him in his bassinet before returning to Y/N in bed. Carefully, I pulled her into my arms and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Love you." I whispered.

"Love you too." she breathed so softly that it was almost inaudible.

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