26 No more secret

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"We did it! We are married! I can't believe it yet!" I said to Roman as we headed to the car to drive to the location of the reception.

Our families and friends were already on their way there. But my husband and I had stayed at the church because the photographer wanted to take a few more photos. We were fine with that because that way we could spend a few more undisturbed moments as a couple.

"I know. I can't tell you how damn happy I am. And I'm glad we can drop the bomb in a few minutes. Because I don't think I can keep our secret much longer to myself." said Roman as he lifted my hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss to the back of my hand.

"I feel the same way. Besides, I want to know if we have a boy or a girl on the way." I replied.

"Then I guess we should hurry. By the way... have I told you how incredibly beautiful you look?" he then said as he turned to me.

"Oh I think you mentioned it once or twice. I love to hear it more though. And did I mention how freaking handsome you are?" I replied, slowly running my hands from his broad shoulders down to his chest.

"You mentioned it a few times too, baby girl." He murmured to me.

Then he took a step closer to me, rested his hands on my hips and then leaned down to me. Roman first kissed my lips very tenderly before he deepened the kiss. I was clinging to him, enjoying this lovely moment.

But soon impatience got the better of both of us. And so we eventually headed off to find out what our little bump warrior was going to be.


"Please join me in welcoming, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Reigns!" we heard Jimmy say.

Our families and friends greeted us with thunderous cheers and clapping. It was truly overwhelming to see them all here together in one room. It made my heart whole. The love and joy that everyone radiated meant everything to us. It was truly a day everyone wished for. And this day was about to get even better.

Roman and I walked hand in hand to stand in front of our guests. Roman quickly thanked Jimmy and then had the microphone handed to him. I smiled at him. Now I could hardly wait to see how they would react.

"My beloved family and friends. Y/N and I would like to thank you so much for coming to our wedding to celebrate with us. We are so blessed to have you as part of our now shared life. Having you all here makes us so happy. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.

My wife and I are proud to go through this life together from now on. I am thankful that we can finally let you in on our secret. Because it was so hard to keep it to ourselves.

As my mother put it before, today two families became one. We are connected with each other. But not only that... in August of this year, another connection will be added. The next generation.

Y/N and I are expecting our first baby." Roman said in an emotional voice and then gave me a loving kiss.

Immediately, the room exploded with cheering. Everyone was beside themselves with excitement. It was not long before we were in the arms of our loved ones. The tears of joy showed how happy everyone was for us.

When the first happiness subsided, I raised the microphone to my lips. We almost forgot the second part of our plan.

"My loves. Thank you. Thank you for your congratulations. We can't wait to hold Baby Reigns in our arms. But that wasn't all. The timing was perfect, so Roman and I figured there was no better day to find out if our bump warrior is going to be a boy or a girl.

After I went to the doctor, I immediately took the sealed envelope to a person who makes piñata's. It's filled with confetti and glitter in either pink or blue," I explained as I had a helper bring it in and hang it up.

"Roman is going to give the piñata a good ole Superman Punch to reveal what we're going to welcome into the family." I continued.

Roman was ready to go. He unbuttoned his suit jacket to have more freedom of movement. I saw him take a deep breath. I, on the other hand, held my breath. I watched eagerly as he took a running start and then punched the heart-shaped piñata with full force.

Baby blue confetti fluttered out and surrounded us all in glitter. Immediately, Roman took me into his strong arms as we both let the moment sink in.

"Superboy on the way." I whispered in his ear.

A little Romance [a Roman Reigns story]Where stories live. Discover now