17 Dilemma

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Roman POV

This weekend we were in Las Vegas because it was time for Summer Slam. The time went by so fast. By now, Y/N and I had been together for over seven months. And one thing was for sure, I couldn't imagine my life without her. In fact, since we started living together, things had gotten even better between us. Even though that was hardly possible. I already had big plans for our future together. I wanted this woman forever. And it didn't matter to me that some people might think that it was too early for such a thing.

When it was right, it was right. Between us it was right to 100%. And the good thing was that we would spend the rest of our lives together. My feeling told me that it was the same for Y/N.

While I was on the elliptical and warming up, I couldn't help but look at Y/N over and over again. She was punching and kicking a punching bag when she suddenly took off her ankle weights and threw them into the nearest corner. One look at her face showed me that she was about to burst into tears.

It had happened more often lately that she became emotional for no apparent reason. I tried to talk to her several times, but she shut down every time. It was really hard for me to be patient, but I knew it wouldn't do any good to push her. She would only retreat more under pressure.

It was clear to me that something was bothering her deeply, so I kept a close eye on her. I worried more with each passing day. She had obviously lost a little weight. Her cheekbones stood out a bit and her jeans sat loosely on her hips.

I got off the elliptical and walked over to my girl just as she plopped down on a mat in the corner. I sat down next to her and put my arm around her shoulders. Y/N put her head on my chest while she sighed deeply.

"Are you finally going to tell me what's bothering you?" I asked softly.

"It's nothing big." she replied.

"Big or small. It doesn't matter at all. I know there's something on your mind. I want to help you, baby girl." I said as I stroked her back.

"It's just... I just... I don't know if I can take this stress much longer. I feel so overwhelmed." she sniffled softly.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" I wanted to know.

"Because I should be able to handle it. After all, it's what I wanted. But now... I'm not so sure anymore." she replied softly.

"You're not alone, and you should know by now that you can come to me with anything. We are a team." I said to her.

"I know, I know. But what can you do about my feelings, Ro? It's not like you can take all the matches away from me. It's just that... two titles to defend on Smackdown and also on Raw. Plus the house shows and PPV's. I'm exhausted. That is most definitely not healthy. I enjoyed being the champion in the beginning, but now it's like my dreams have changed.

I lost my enthusiasm for wrestling. I wanted it for so long and now that feeling isn't there anymore. But then, at the same time, I'm afraid of failing and disappointing everyone. It's hard to describe. And I have no idea if I make any sense to you," Y/N tried to explain to me.

"Have your feelings for me changed too? Should I be worried about us?" I asked as I tried to understand her words. Suddenly, I felt uneasy.

"No, God, no! If anything, my feelings for you have only gotten stronger. That's where part of my dilemma lies. I love you. So much. And to be honest... man, I can only hope I'm not ambushing you with this. I know we haven't been together that long. Still, lately I've been thinking about what it would be like to have babies with you. My whole way of thinking has shifted. It's like what I thought I wanted most in the world is suddenly.... meh." she said.

 "That is indeed quite a lot. But I'm sure we'll get through it. If you no longer want to wear the title because you're concerned about your health, mentally and also physically, that's okay. You are allowed to change your mind. You are more important than any title in this world." I replied and kissed her head.

"But what about Naomi? It's her title too, after all. One of them at least." she wanted to know as she lifted her head to look at me.

"Naomi is a big girl and has been doing this for a while. She knows, as well as I do, what it's like to lose titles. But more importantly... I'm quite sure that you are much, much more important to Na than the title. After all, she's your friend first and your tag team partner second," I explained to her.

She didn't say anything back but just looked at me for a while. A soft smile played on her lips.

"What would I do without my Superman?" she whispered, but I wasn't sure if I should hear it.

"You'll never find out, because I'm not going anywhere. Which brings me to the second part of your so-called dilemma. I think it's good to know that you're thinking about babies. Because to be perfectly honest...so do I. More than that, actually." I replied.

"Is that supposed to mean what I think?" she asked, her big, beautiful eyes wide.

"If you think I want to marry you, you're thinking right, baby girl," I said to her. I had to laugh a little at her face.

"Really? So that means we're on the same page once more, huh? I'd love to marry you." she replied softly.

"You know we're in sync. Honestly, I'd marry you right here in Vegas if I wasn't afraid of getting in trouble from my mom," I explained, making a face to make her laugh.

It worked. Y/N laughed. And although I meant it as a joke, we both knew that it wouldn't just be me who would get in trouble with Mom if we eloped.

"Roman?" said Y/N after a few minutes of silence in which we just sat there cuddled up to each other.

"Does this actually count as a marriage proposal now?" she wanted to know.

"Hell no! That's something I'm going to do when you're not expecting it. You deserve the whole package. With flowers, candles and everything." I replied.

"I just need you, babe. None of that romantic hoo-ha." she said.

"Even you, my little tough cookie, deserve a little romance. Only the best is good enough for you." I explained to her.

"Then it's a good thing I have you, Superman." replied Y/N, and then gave me a kiss.

I knew that wouldn't solve her dilemma, but at least now I knew what was bothering her. This way I could help her. I was sure that together we would find a solution.

A little Romance [a Roman Reigns story]Where stories live. Discover now