25 Simply love

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"You are such a beautiful, glowing bride!" said Naomi to me as she tightened the veil in my hair.

Slowly I turned around and smiled happily at her. I took her hands in mine.

"And I have only you to thank for that. I know I've told you this before, but I think today it's especially important that you know. You're the best friend anyone could ask for." I said to her as I watched my mom and Roman's mom walk into the room.

"Naomi sweetheart, would you please leave us alone with Y/N for a moment?" said Pat.

"Of course." replied Na, then quickly left the room.

"Oh my baby! I can't believe my little girl is getting married today!" it gushed out of my mom.

"Mom, please don't make me cry already." I replied as I took a few deep breaths to try and fight back the inevitable tears.

"Y/N, I have something for you. All the women in our family wore this on their wedding day. And of course I want you to carry on that tradition." Pat said to me, holding out an open box containing a beautiful bracelet.

"Oh Pat, this is gorgeous. It will be an honor to wear it as well." I said and was on the verge of tears once again.

Now I really had to pull myself together. Otherwise our secret would slip out because of the joy. We were so close. So I didn't want to mess it up in the last moments.

"I think it's time. I don't want to keep Roman waiting," I said quietly.


All the way down the aisle, my eyes were firmly locked with Roman's. I didn't take my eyes off him for a second. . Part of me felt like I was dreaming and I was afraid that if I blinked I would wake up.

Carefully, my dad placed my hand in Roman's and gave him a serious look. Roman, however, did not notice it at all, because he also had eyes only for me.

Attentively we both listened to the priest. Although I knew the traditional words of a wedding ceremony, now that they were for Roman and me, they suddenly had a deeper, more important meaning. 

"I know you both have prepared your own vows. Roman, would you like to begin?" he said priest at one point.

"Y/N, I don't think words will ever be enough to tell you how much I love you. You came into my life and from that moment on nothing was the same. One look at you and everything fell into place. You showed me a kind of love that I never thought was possible. But now, with you by my side, in my life, nothing seems impossible. I love you. It's that simple. And I will spend the rest of my life falling deeper in love with you.

I promise that I will love you forever. I promise that I will always be there for you. In all decisions and in all situations. Together we are stronger than apart. The way you love me is my source of strength and serenity. With you I feel complete. I have found my home. You are my everything. Together we hold our future in our hands. And I can't wait to see what we will hold in our hands," Roman said as he held my hands tightly in his.

Now there was nothing I could do to hold back the tears. So I didn't try any longer, I just let them run down my cheeks.

"Roman, before we met, I was of the firm belief that I wanted to focus only on myself. I would not have believed that my life could change so fundamentally because of one person. But as we know, fate works in miraculous ways. Sometimes in the form of a very persistent best friend who has never taken no for an answer. Today, I am so indescribably grateful that she basically forced me to go on that blind date.

Through it I have wound my way into your arms. The place in this world where I feel safe. You are my superhero, the love of my life. And I also don't know if words will ever be enough. But I will try to show you my love every day. My love for you is in every kiss, every smile and laugh.

I love you madly and I will continue to love you madly. It is a promise I make to you. I will choose your heart, whatever may come, forever." I said as I clung tightly to his warm, soft hands that felt like home.

The priest then pronounced us husband and wife while we put on each other's wedding rings. The symbols that showed the world that we belonged only to each other.

"Roman, you may kiss your bride." the priest continued.

This was something that didn't have to be said twice to my now husband. Carefully he took my face between his hands and kissed me tenderly. I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me. We stayed like that until the first guests began to clear their throats and giggle. But we did not care.

Reluctantly, we eventually detached ourselves from each other. Roman put his forehead to mine and took a deep breath.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I love you, too," I whispered back.

Then Roman lifted me up. Just like that, he held me above his head. A proud smile on his face that I was sure would stay there for the rest of the day.

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