31 On the way

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Roman POV

"Do you want to go down to the gym right now to get some work in before the show?" asked Jimmy as we made our way to our rooms at the hotel.

"Sure. Give me a half hour to change and call Y/N. Then we can go," I said.

Just as I was about to unlock my room, however, the phone in my pocket rang. I expected it to be Y/N calling to hear how the flight was. But I was wrong. It was my mother.

"Hey mom. How are you? How was the shopping with Y/N?" I asked.

"Roman, you need to come home right away. Y/N is in labor." she said. She sounded as out of breath as if she was running.

"What? What happened?" I yelled as I picked up my suitcase again and made my way back to the lobby.

Panic rose in me because I knew that no matter what happened, it couldn't be good. Y/N was only 32 weeks pregnant after all. The little guy wasn't ready. This was not how it was supposed to go. And Y/N should definitely not do it alone.

"We were in the mall and just as we were about to leave, a fan got pretty offensive. Y/N got really upset about that and then the elevator got stuck too. That's when the contractions started. They got us out of the elevator quickly, but the contractions didn't stop. We are on our way to the hospital. The doctors will probably try to stop the contractions. However, no one knows if that will work. Please, come as soon as possible, Roman. Y/N is scared." she explained to me.

"I'm on my way," I gasped as I ran to my rental car.

I unlocked it and threw the suitcase into the back seat. Then I got behind the wheel. On the way to the airport I hoped and prayed that the doctors would succeed in stopping the birth. And if they did not, I hoped that I would be by Y/N's side in time for the birth of our boy.

Please, God, let them both be okay. I couldn't bear it if something happened to either of them. I loved them so much that just the thought of it was unbearable.

The only thing I was grateful for at that moment was the fact that a flight home would only take two hours. Even though this time would certainly seem like a lifetime.

Again and again I checked my phone for messages from the hospital or from Y/N herself. But nothing showed up. Mom had only let me know which hospital Y/N had been taken to. 

Miraculously, I managed to get a seat on a flight that boarded in half an hour. I hurried to the security check and was relieved to find that there were only a few people ahead of me. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm myself and my heartbeat. The last thing I needed right now was for the TSA agents to think I had done something wrong.

The whole flight was a blur. My entire mind was firmly focused on my wife and our son. And luckily I had wifi so I could ask one of my sisters to pick me up at the airport.

With each passing minute, or rather second, my nervousness increased. My hands were cold with fear that something might happen before I was at Y/N's side. I would never be able to forgive myself for that. This is certainly not how either of us had imagined this day.

And one more thing was certain for me. If I should ever meet this so-called fan, who was to blame for Y/N being upset, I would ram him into the ground. I didn't know the details yet, but I was convinced that it was not a small thing.

Vanessa picked me up at the airport and together we made our way to the hospital. Four hours had passed and I still had no news from my family. Mom was probably at my wife's side the whole time.

I tried to think positively. Because I was sure that if the baby had already been born, they would have called me. The hope that I would not miss the birth of MJ was still there.

When I arrived at the hospital, I went to the registration desk and told the woman there Y/N's name. She immediately told me where I had to go and said that she would inform the doctor so that he could come and tell me what was going on.

"Ah, Mr. Reigns. It's good to see you. You can rest easy. Mother and child are fine." the doctor said to me as soon as I entered the ward.

"Did I miss it?" I wanted to know, because that's what it sounded like to me.

"No, no. We managed to stop the contractions. Your wife received a magnesium infusion and that stopped the birth. The baby is doing fine and your wife is resting. However, she will have to stay in bed for a few weeks. Rest is very important now. We want the little man to take his time," he explained to me.

To say that a huge weight fell off my shoulders was easily the understatement of the decade. I sighed deeply while Vanessa patted my back reassuringly.

"Thank God. Can I see Y/N?" I wanted to know.

"Of course. But only alone, please. She really needs to rest." the doctor stressed.

He took me to her room. Slowly he opened the door and let me go in. Mom was sitting at Y/N's side and turned around when she heard the door. Immediately she got up to come to me and hug me tightly. One look at my wife showed me that she was fast asleep. It was a relief to see her.

Mom put a hand on my cheek before she followed the doctor out. Quietly, I walked over to Y/N. Carefully, so as not to wake her, I leaned over her and gave her a feather-light kiss on the forehead. Then I sat down on the chair where my mother had sat before.

I looked at my angel very closely, because I wanted to make sure that everything was really okay. And as always, the sight of her was enough to calm me down. Gently, I took one of her hands in mine, while I put my other hand on her bump. Almost immediately, I could feel MJ rolling back and forth. This also calmed me down a lot.

I had no idea how long I sat there like that. It didn't matter either. The sounds of the various machines were strangely soothing.

At some point, however, I noticed how Y/N's eyes began to flutter. A few seconds later she opened her eyes and immediately looked at me. The smile I had always loved appeared on her lips.

"Hey Superman." she said softly.

"Hey baby girl. How are you feeling?" I wanted to know after giving her a quick kiss.

"Very tired. It's sorry we scared you so much." she replied.

"It's not your fault. All that matters is that you and Superboy are okay." I said as I gently squeezed her hand.

"That's true. That was really fucking scary. I'm glad you didn't miss it." Y/N said.

"Me too. But at least you weren't alone." I replied.

"You're right. Thank goodness. It looks like I'm stuck here for now. But it's still better than an elevator." she said.

"Maybe our Superboy wanted to make a grand entrance," I joked.

"Yeah, probably! Ready for the spotlight already." Y/N laughed.

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