24 Appointment

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Nervously, I wandered up and down the living room. I could hardly wait for Roman to finally come home. Why did it take so damn long today? My impatience was already at its peak when I finally heard his car in the driveway.

With quick steps I went to the front door. I yanked the door open and jumped into my fiancé's arms. Roman was caught pretty off guard at my exuberance, but he managed to catch me in his arms anyway.

"Woah! Hello my love! That's quite a greeting. I guess someone missed me." he said as he dropped his suitcase and held me upright with one hand under my butt.

Instead of answering him, I pressed my lips hard on his. Roman returned my stormy kiss without hesitation.

"You bet your hot ass I missed you. I'm so excited. We have an appointment later. I can't wait to take a look at the b-. Oh hey Jey. I haven't seen you there. How are you?" I started, but then I saw Jey out of the corner of my eye and almost choked on my words.

"Hey Y/N. I'm fine. How about you? What did you want to say?" replied Jey, looking at me a little oddly.

"Oh... um... I just wanted to remind Roman that we have an appointment at the bakery. You know... About the wedding cake." I stammered as I quickly came up with something that sounded somewhat plausible.

"Nice. I'm only here because Roman forgot to give me the game back and the kids are dying to play it. That's why I followed him straight from the airport. I don't want to hold you up." Jey explained to me as Roman carefully set me back on my feet.

Roman gave me a kiss on the temple and then went into the house to get Jey his game. In the meantime, Jey and I talked about the past PPV and the flight and all sorts of little things. I really hoped he bought my explanation and didn't suspect anything. Not just because it was still too early to tell everyone about Baby Reigns, because it was. But because Roman and I had decided to tell everyone at the wedding reception. But until then, we still had 9 weeks to go.

"Here you go. Thanks again. I guess I'll see you on Thursday then." said Roman as he came up behind me. He put an arm around my shoulders as he handed the game to Jey.

"Okay, see you then. Bye guys." replied Jey and then he was off again.

"That was really fucking close, baby girl." chuckled Roman.

"I know. Do you think he believed it?" I asked, a little unsure.

"Hmmm... maybe. After all, he didn't say anything. What were you going to say?" replied Ro.

"I was going to say that we have our first ultrasound appointment later to see Baby Reigns. And I'm already so excited!" I explained to him, bouncing on the spot while holding his hands tightly.


"Very good Miss L/N. I'll send your blood sample to the lab. May I ask you to lie down on the examination table now? We are going to do the ultrasound now. But if we don't get a clear picture, we would need to do a pelvic ultrasound. Because your pregnancy is not very far along, it is possible that not much can be seen yet," the doctor explained.

I did what he said. Then he spread the cold gel on my lower abdomen. Meanwhile, Roman held my hand tightly. Just like me, he couldn't wait to have the first look at our unborn child.

"We're lucky. This is your baby. I know there's not much to see yet, and it certainly doesn't look like a baby. But that will change quickly. I'm pleased. It's developed just as you'd expect." the doctor explained to us.

Our eyes were firmly glued to the monitor. We watched in awe as the teeny tiny something moved.

"That's our baby!" whispered Roman.

"I still can't believe it," I replied softly.

Roman then leaned in and gave me a sweet kiss.

"You better believe it, baby girl. We're getting everything we wanted.

And the family will freak out when we tell them!" he chuckled.

"I have an idea. Doctor? When can we determine the sex?" I wanted to know.

"If we're lucky in the 13th or 14th week. That would be the last week in February." replied the doctor.

"That's perfect! Then they'll get two surprises at once." I grinned at Roman.

Judging by his grin, he knew exactly what I meant. Now all we had to do was keep our mouths shut. That would be a hard piece of work for sure. I also hoped that my dress would still fit me at all. But that wasn't so important in the end. As long as I married my Roman, I would do it wearing a linen bag.

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