16 Always

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"I'm so glad we're in Tampa and can spend the night at home," I said as Roman unlocked the door and let me go inside.

Exhausted, I set my purse aside and sighed in relief. It had been a long, tiring day. Not only physically, but especially emotionally. I think it's going to take a little time for everything to fully sink in.

"Home, huh?" said Roman behind me as he put his arms on my hips and then turned me to face him.

"Well, it's your home of course...it's just.... I don't know..." I stammered as I felt myself blush.

"God, I love it when you get all shy." he replied, giving me a little kiss on the nose.

"Oh stop it." I mumbled, avoiding looking him in the eye.

"Baby girl, I love that you think of it as your home. We spend most of our free time here. You have most of your stuff here anyway. Maybe you should just move in with me altogether." he said, completely unexpectedly.

"Really? Are you serious?" I asked as I looked up at him now after all.

"Yes, I'm serious. If I'm completely honest, it's only because of you that this house has become a home." he explained, wrapping his arms around me tighter.

"So you want us to live here together? Have you thought this through, Ro? It's a big step," I wanted to know from him.

"I know, but I honestly don't think it would make much difference from now. We spend most of our time together anyway. I want you with me all day. Every day. Unless you're already sick of me." he replied with a wink at the end.

"Never. I'll never get sick of you, Roman. The opposite, actually. I'm crazy about you. All right... I'll move in with you." I said softly before standing on my tiptoes and pressing a loving kiss to his plump lips.

"Thank you." he whispered against my lips.

"I'm going to take a hot bubble bath. My back could use it. Want to keep me company?" I asked as I lightly scraped with my nails over his upper arms.

"I do actually have a better idea. What do you say I order us some Chinese food and while we wait, I'll heat up the hot tub?" he replied. His voice a little deeper than usual, though that was hardly possible.

"Oh Superman, that sounds so much better. Go ahead and do that. I'm going to go wash my face. It looks like we still have a lot to talk about." I said.

But instead of letting him go, I pulled him close and rested my face against his chest. I breathed deeply, inhaling his intoxicating yet soothing scent. The scent I would always associate with home.

Roman POV

After we ate our food in the hot tub, my girl was now leaning with her back against my chest. The water was pleasantly warm and bubbled and swirled around us.

I felt Y/N relax as the curves of her back nestled against me. She sighed deeply as she held my hand tightly on her stomach.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly in her ear.

"Yes. I really needed this. Just you and me, alone. Today was a lot. I just hope I'm up to the task of being a double champion. While I'm happy and honored, but.... but I know that I will be met with a lot of hate and envy. I've only been around for such a short time. They have raised me to a level that all of us want. And many of the other women have been waiting a long time for their chance," Y/N said to me.

"I know what you mean. I know this feeling very well myself. But I also know that there will always be people who criticize every step. Every decision will be doubted. Try to ignore that. There will always be haters and bullies. You can never please everyone. First you are treated unfairly, then two months later you are overpushed.

In our business, it takes a lot of luck and damn good timing. The right place and the right time can often be just as important as talent and fan support. You deserve it, no matter what others may think. There were champions before you and me, and there will be champions after us. Because one thing is certain. No one is champion forever," I told her, hoping it would help her.

"You're really great, you know that? A very wise man." she replied as she turned her head to look at me.

"At least I'm trying. Now relax, baby girl. It's going to be okay." I said as I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you and I'm glad you're a part of my life. You are the best thing that could have happened to me. I will always support you as much as you support me. I promise you that." she said and I felt how tired she was.

Before I could say anything back, I noticed that Y/N had fallen asleep. Her face was resting against my neck. I decided to let her sleep a little before I put her to bed.

"I love you too,.Y/N. Always." I whispered.

And even though she was asleep a small smile appeared on her lips. She looked so beautiful and peaceful. I was a lucky man.

A little Romance [a Roman Reigns story]Where stories live. Discover now