4 Blind date

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"Do I really have to do this? I have never been on a blind date. What if I think the guy is horrible? Or what if he thinks I'm totally awful, Naomi?" I babbled as Naomi worked on my hair.

"You're thinking way too much about this, sweetie. I'm sure you two will have a great time." she said as she looked at me in the mirror.

"And what if we don't?" I poked the question.

"Then at least you'll have had a new experience. I just want you to come out of your shell for once. How long has it been since you last went on a real date? Even with your Ex?" she replied.

"It's been a while." I muttered as I thought about how long it had actually been. I had not done much even with Victor towards the end of our relationship.

"See? That's exactly my point! You need to have some fun for once. And who knows, maybe you'll get some action too. At least then you won't be so uptight and cranky all the time." she joked.

"Yeah, no. That's definitely not going to happen! It's hard enough for me to meet with a stranger. I'm only doing this to get you to shut up. Can't you at least tell me what his name is?" I replied.

"No, absolutely not. That would give too much away." She said when she was done with my hair.

"Wait a minute! Does that mean I know him?" I inquired, a little horrified.

"Well... maybe." she admitted.

"Gee, Na! What did you do?" I wanted to know.

"Nothing at all! I just set up a date for you!" she replied, looking at me innocently.

But I didn't trust her one bit. She was up to something. She always was. I just wasn't sure exactly what. But I treid to trust her.

"And does the mystery man know who he's meeting with?" I asked.

"Yes, he knows and he's already excited. So please don't stand him up." said Naomi.

"How is that fair, please? He knows who he's meeting, but you're keeping me in the dark?" I replied, looking at her disapprovingly. I didn't like that at all and felt more and more uncomfortable.

"I just know you'd chicken out if I told you who it was. Now come on, I don't want you to be late." she said afterwards, then took my purse and basically pushed me out of the hotel room.

"Okay, pay attention. We made a reservation for a table in your name. You sit down and your date will join you. Don't worry, it's going to be great." she explained as she drove me to the restaurant that was just a few blocks from our hotel.

"Just so you know, Na. Right now I hate you." I said before getting out of the car.

"Well, that's going to change soon. See you tomorrow, babe!" she laughed and then drove off.

With trembling hands I smoothed the dress. I didn't really feel comfortable in the dress and the high shoes, but Naomi insisted that I get all dolled up. Something I did very rarely. It just wasn't me.

I went inside and told the hostess my name. She took me to my table. Shortly after, the waiter appeared and asked me if I wanted a drink while I waited. I asked him to bring me a glass of red wine. Hopefully it would calm my nerves a bit, but actually I doubted it would work.

Just as I took the first sips, I heard someone behind me say my name.

"Good to see you, Y/N!" said this damn deep, sexy voice that I always found insanely attractive and Naomi unfortunately knew that.

In shock, I choked on my wine and started coughing.

"Roman..." I breathed when I could breathe again.

"Are you okay?" he wanted to know as he looked at me worriedly.

"Um... yeah... just went down the wrong pipe. So... am I right in assuming that you are my date?" I asked nervously.

Slowly, the walked to the other side of the table and sat down. He was wearing a dark blue suit and damn, did he look good in it. I swallowed and quickly lowered my gaze to the table as I noticed myself staring at him.

"Yeah. I hope you don't mind. But when Naomi talked to me about it.... I have to admit that I was immediately intrigued." he explained to me.

"Well, then you knew more than I did. Because until 30 seconds ago I had no idea who I was going to meet," I replied and then finally looked at him. A brilliant smile appeared on his face and he chuckled softly.

"I hope you're not disappointed." said Roman.

"No, I can't say I'm disappointed," I replied, and then took a sip of my wine. Apparently it was already beginning to take effect.

I had to say that it was really easy to talk to him. We had an amazing amount in common and laughed a lot. He was even more charming and lovely than I had imagined.

After we ate and shared a dessert, Roman insisted on paying the bill even though I said it was okay if we split it. Like the gentleman he was, he wouldn't listen.

Afterwards we decided to walk back to the hotel. It was a beautiful evening and it was not so far. Roman took my hand in his. I looked down at our joined hands and had to smile. They were a perfect fit. The warmth of his hand seemed to flow through my whole body. So warm and comfortable.

"Is it okay?" he asked when he saw the look on my face.

"Yes, very okay actually," I admitted.

Roman escorted me upstairs to my room. I turned to him and bit my lip. He looked so gorgeous.

"Thank you for this wonderful evening, Roman. I really enjoyed spending time with you." I said as I played with my key card.

"I feel the same way, baby girl. I hope we can do it again soon." He murmured as he took a step closer.

"I'd like that," I whispered.

Then he leaned toward me. But then paused for a moment to give me a chance to escape the situation. But that was out of the question. Instead, I stood on my tiptoes and stretched up to him.

Roman closed the gap between us by placing his warm, plump lips on mine while his hand rested on the small of my back.

"I'll see you tomorrow, baby girl." he whispered against my mouth.

"You sure will, Superman!" I replied softly.

"Sweet dreams, Y/N." he said then and was gone.

And those sweet dreams I would have, without a doubt. Maybe even more than that.

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