27 Visiting him

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"Oh my god! There you are, little guy!" exclaimed Naomi, rushing towards me and then bending down to stroke my 6 month belly.

"A big hello to you too, firefly. I'm here too, by the way. I'm not just the delivery system for Baby Reigns after all." I said a little offended.

"I'm sorry about that, Y/N. It's just that the little guy has grown so much since the last time I saw you. And in the pictures you sent me, your bump didn't look that big. I miss you and I'm glad to see you." she apologized while putting an arm around my shoulders.

"It's all right. I'm just in a bad mood. The bump warrior is in my kidneys all the time. That's why I barely sleep and I'm exhausted. The only thing that seems to calm him down is when Roman talks to him." I explained to her.

It was true. Our son was already so attached to his father. And although I thought it was very cute, it was quite different when Roman wasn't home to talk to the baby. Unfortunately, it didn't work over the phone. Which was a shame, because that would have been a great relief for my body. That's why I decided to visit him. As long as I was still allowed to fly, I wanted to visit or accompany him as often as possible.

"Speaking of him. Have you seen my husband?" I wanted to know.

"He's probably warming up right now. Say... Do you guys have a name yet?" she replied.

"No. We haven't settled on a name yet. It's really hard to do. And of course, a lot of nice names are already taken in the family. That makes it even harder. One of the few disadvantages of having such a large family. But we still have a little time. Right now I'm trying to come up with something great for Roman's birthday," I explained to her.

"Whatever his name will be, it will be great. And of course, he'll get the best godmother he could ask for. I'm going to spoil the little bump warrior!" said Naomi.

"And who exactly said you were going to be the godmother?" I asked to tease her a little.

"No one has to tell me. I am the obvious choice. I demand to be your son's godmother." she replied, stomping her foot on the floor.

"That's very interesting." I laughed.

"It is, because without me, this baby wouldn't exist." said Na as she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Hey, you don't know that. Maybe Roman and I would have gotten together without your help." I replied.

"Yeah right. Miss I'm-focusing-on-my-new-life-and-don't-want-anything-to-do-with-men-right-now." she grumbled.

"I'm just teasing you, Na. Do you really think we would choose someone else? You're not just the obvious choice, as you put it. You are the only choice." I explained to her.

"YAY!" she cheered, throwing her arms around my neck while hugging me tightly.

Too tight for a certain someone in my belly. With a strong kick, Baby Reigns made his displeasure known. Naomi obviously must have felt that kick too, because she let go of me, startled, and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Why did he do that?" she asked in amazement.

"I think it was a little too tight for him. Don't take it personally. I'm sure he loves you anyway." I said, laughing at her expression. 

Then we went in search of Ro again. It didn't take long until we found him. Naomi said goodbye quietly and then left me alone. I stood leaning against the passageway and watched Roman doing his exercises. He was doing push-ups. He hadn't noticed me yet. I kept quiet to watch him a little longer.

I loved seeing his muscles flex from the effort. The way he grunted softly. The way he brushed a few loose hairs out of his forehead. The way he licked his lips. How he wiped the beads of sweat from his skin.

This man was truly a sight to see. Immediately memories came up in me as I had seen him for the first time in person. Sometimes it was hard to believe that he was mine now. It still seemed like a dream that we were married and expecting a perfect little boy. 

"Hey, baby girl. How long have you been standing there?" asked Roman suddenly, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm? Oh, a few minutes already. I've been enjoying the sight. I have a smoking hot husband, you know." I replied as he stood in front of me.

Gently, he placed his large hands on my stomach. Then he leaned in to kiss me. As usual, it didn't take long for the little guy to give his daddy a good kick. With his thumb Roman drew little circles on the spot where he felt the baby. Roman's face lit up with contentment.

"I am so happy to have my two favorite people with me. But I wish you would have let me know sooner. I would have picked you up at the airport." he finally said.

"I know, but it's fine. You're so busy, I'm glad to be able to visit you at all," I replied.

"You're right. I still don't like it when you're alone. I'd prefer it if I was always with you when you're out and about. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to hire a bodyguard," Roman then said.

"I don't like it, but I'll tell you what.... If it makes you feel better, we can talk about it," I said.

"It really would. I love you guys and I don't want anything to happen to you." he replied in a serious voice.

"We love you, too. We can talk about it tonight over a romantic dinner." I said as I stood on my tiptoes to kiss my Superman.

"Is my wife in need of a little romance?" he whispered against my lips.

Obviously, I had succeeded in taking his mind off things.

"If it's with you, I always am," I replied, closing the gap between us.

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