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"I have no idea if we should work for these people, their product isn't appealing to anyone. We're not gonna gain much, especially with what they're offering to pay... Right?" Jake asked Sunghoon as they sat in the meeting room, going through the many suggested partnerships.

Jake looked up from the paper in confusion as Sunghoon hadn't answered him and was just blankly staring at the table.


Sunghoon snapped out of his trance and looked at Jake.


"Were you even listening?" Jake questioned as he placed the document on the table.

"No." Sunghoon sighed as he threw his head back on the seat.

"What is it?"

"Mr. Park might be alive."

Jake stared at him in shock as he processed the bomb he had just dropped.

"What do you mean? I thought you saw him die." He asked as he tilted his head quizzically.

Sunghoon nodded softly as he stared at the ceiling.

"Someone called me and told me."

They went quiet for a few seconds as they both were in deep thought.

"What are you going to do then?"

Sunghoon shrugged and placed his hands on his face, letting out a breath.

"I don't know Jake. I seriously don't know."

They suddenly heard a knock on the door and a worker walked in with a stack of letters in hand.

"Here's the mail for today." She said as she dropped it on the table and walked out of the room.

Jake stared at the stack and shook his head.

"Why do people still send letters when email exists?"

"Some like to stick to traditional stuff Jaeyun." Sunghoon said as he grabbed half of the stack, Jake grabbing the other half with a playful roll of his eyes.

They quietly skimmed through the letters, tossing the unnecessary ones in the trashcan.

Sunghoon groaned as he noticed one that had his name handwritten.

"Again? Why the fuck don't they just give up already?" He complained as he tore the letter open.

"What is it?"

"The same shit as last time." He rolled his eyes as he held up the empty paper to show Jake, then crumbling the paper and throwing it in the trash.

Jake shook his head as he continued skimming through letters.


Sunghoon sat in the passenger seat with a tired sigh, as it was finally time to go home.

Jake was driving quietly as they were making their way to Sunghoon's apartment which was only a few minutes away.

Suddenly, a phone ringing echoed throughout the car and Sunghoon reached into his pocket.


"Hey. It's Jungwon."

Sunghoon stayed quiet for a few seconds as he stared out the window.


"We seriously need to talk about this Sunghoon. Can we meet tonight?"

"Tonight?" Sunghoon wondered as he had promised he would watch a movie with Angelica.

"Yes. It has to be tonight."

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