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Angelica sat at Jake's house as she looked down at her hands.

A whole two days had passed and they had all decided to have Angelica stay with Jake for a while, since it wouldn't be safe for her to be home alone.

She hadn't been sleeping or eating well and all she could think about was Sunghoon.

She had reported an emergency at work as it really was an emergency. She wasn't going to work in a few days.

She laid her head back on the couch as she looked up at the ceiling.

Biting her lip, she thought about Shortcake and wondered if Jake had gone to feed her.

Sunghoon would've normally been the one to call and text Jake all the time asking how the cat's doing.

She smiled softly as she remembered a time when they had gone on a trip and Sunghoon left Shortcake with Ms. Saeri.

He couldn't stop calling her and asking her about how the cat was doing and if she had given Shortcake her medicine, since she had been sick for a little while.

I wonder if he would be like that with our baby... He'd probably be more picky and whiny than me..

She felt her tears threaten to fall again and took a deep breath, closing her eyes tightly.

Anything would remind her of him. Whether it was blatant things like his shirts or small things like the ticking of a clock.

It was like her whole life was revolving around Sunghoon and now that he wasn't around and his whereabouts were uncertain, she didn't know what to do.

She opened her eyes and looked at her phone, turning it over to see if she had gotten anything new.

Letting out a disappointed sigh, she laid her head back on the couch again.

She was desperate for anything from the guys. She needed to know where he was and if he was okay.

Just the thought of him being in Mr. Park's hands made her want to crawl into the deepest hole and die.

Opening her eyes as she heard the door open, spotting Sunoo, who smiled brightly at her.

"Since I'm the one with the most time off, I'm here to keep you company." He said as he closed the door behind him, practically jogging to the couch to sit next to her.

She gave him a weak smile as she turned her head forwards again.

"Thank you." She almost whispered as she looked down at her hands again.

Sunoo looked at her in sympathy and looked around, quickly grabbing the remote.

"How bout' some TV? What do you like to watch?" He asked as he turned on the TV.

Angelica thought for a couple of seconds as she played with her fingers.

"I like The Fresh Prince." She said softly and Sunoo smiled at her.

"I like it too! Although I've never really watched it..." He trailed off and Angelica smiled in amusement as she shook her head.

He quickly searched for it on the TV and leaned back in his seat.

Angelica looked at him for a second and turned towards the TV.

That's right Angelica, distract yourself a little... He's okay..


Angelica opened her eyes and turned her head, spotting Sunoo uncomfortably laying against the arm rest with his mouth open.

She shook her head with a small smile as she realized she had finally gotten some sleep in a whole 48 hours.

She heard the door open and Jake walked in with a small smile.

"Hey." He said softly and Angelica smiled at him as a greeting.


He hummed as a response as he took off his shoes.

"Can I go back home?" She asked softly as she leaned against her hand.

She felt like she needed to be in the comfort of her home to process things a little better.

Plus the mess that was left behind was really bothering her.

Jake hesitated as he finished taking off his shoes.

"Yeah." He finally answered. "Heeseung has been keeping an eye out so I'm sure it'll be okay."


Angelica opened the door to the apartment and immediately felt a ball of fur travel against her calves.

She looked down to spot Shortcake, softly picking her up and placing her against her chest.

Avoiding the mess in the living room, she moves towards their bedroom.

She stares at the turmoil of clothes everywhere and all the things that were knocked off the nightstands.

She let out a sigh and put down Shortcake, who climbed on the bed and laid across Sunghoon's pillow.

Angelica felt her eyes sting again but she shook it away, holding back the tears and starting to pick up the things from the floor.

She kneeled down next to her nightstand and placed everything back to where it was before.

After she was done, she stood up with a grunt and moved over to Sunghoon's nightstand. Stacking the random books that he had probably read millions of times already.

Why does he never put them on the bookshelves?

She complained to herself as she continued picking up his things from the floor.

Letting out a breath as she was done, she moved over to the closet where a lot of their clothes were dropped on the floor.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she spotted a bag on the floor.

I wonder what shoes he got this time?

She thought as she rolled her eyes, grabbing the bag and pulling out the shoe box, which was unusually small.

Her eyes widened in realization and she shook her head in disbelief.

"No he didn't." She whispered to herself as she opened the box and smiled seeing a cute pair of black baby converse.

She looked over at Sunghoon's shoe rack, seeing the exact same pair but in his size.

"He's so annoying." She said to herself as she stared at the small shoes in endearment.

She put them back in the box with a sad sigh and stared at the floor.

When is he coming home?


After she finished cleaning up the closet, she took a quick shower, throwing on one of Sunghoon's old hoodies and laying down in bed next to Shortcake, who moved over to lay across her stomach.

Angelica let out a weak chuckle as she stroked Shortcake's soft fur.

"It's like you know there's something in there, huh? You knew all along, didn't you?"

She once again pulled Sunghoon's pillow towards herself with one arm as she hugged it to her side.

Shortcake stretched as she moved to lay in the warm spot between Angelica and the pillow.

"You miss him too, right?" She spoke to the cat as she turned off the light and laid on her side.

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